1) Question: Are there any direct flights to Melbourne? 问题:有直飞墨尔本的班机吗? Answer: No, you'll have to transfer either in Hong Kong or Singapore.
回答:没有,你必须在香港或新加坡转机。 2) Question: Where's the lost-and-found office? 问题:失物招领处在哪里? Answer: It's right there, next to the bookstore.
回答:就在那里,在书店隔壁。 3) Question: Can I go into the bathroom? 问题:我可以进去洗手间吗? Answer: I'm sorry, this bathroom is being cleaned.
回答:很抱歉,这间洗手间正在清扫。 4) Question: How much do I have to pay for the extra bag? 问题:对于额外多出的袋子,我必须付多少钱呢? Answer 75.
回答:75元。 5) Question: How long is the delay? 问题:班机延误多久时间? Answer: 2 hours.
回答:2个小时。 6) Question: When does the flight to Osaka leave? 问题:飞往大阪的班机何时起飞(离开)? Answer: At 2:00 PM.
回答:在下午2点起飞。 7) Question: Is this the departure area? 问题:这是登机处 (候机区,离境区)吗? Answer: No, this is the arrival area.
回答:不是,这是入境处(抵达区)。 8) Question: How much does a locker cost? 问题:一个有锁的存物柜多少钱? Answer: It's $10 per 24 hours.
回答:每24小时10元。 9) Question: Is this the gate for flight 123 to Bangkok? 问题:这是前往曼谷的123班机的登机门吗? Answer: It was. The gate has been changed to 28C.
10) Question: How much carry-on luggage am I allowed? 问题:我可以携带多少手提行李呢? Answer: You can bring one small bag on the plane with you. 回答:你可以随身携带一个小袋子搭乘飞机。