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发表于 2016-4-28 14:43:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
15561235667617671.jpg 2016年4月28日BBC英语新闻收听:
Hello, I am Sue Montgomery with the BBC news.

Cyprus says it has agreed to an Egyptian request to extraditeSafadi Mustafa, an Egyptian National, accused of high jackingan Egypt air flight to the island last week. Elaine Young reports. “The suspect identified as Seif al-Din Mustafa surrendered lastweek after high jacking a domestic flight with 72 people on board. He is accused of using a fakesuicide belt to seize the Alexandria to Cairo flight and forcing it to land in Cyprus. All passengersand crew were eventually released unharmed and Mustafa was peacefully arrested. Cypriot officialshave said he is psychologically unstable and had no political motive. The legal process has nowbegun to extradite him back to Egypt.”
A law student to criticize religious extremism online has been murdered in the Bangladeshi capitalDhaka, The latest of number of secular activists to be killed there. Charroe Shaharni reports, “Police say Nazimuddin Samad was attacked at a traffic intersection in old Tarka on Wednesdayevening, but they haven't said who is suspected of carrying out the attack. The 28-year-old wasreported to be an organizer of Ganajagran Manch, a secular campaigning group, and he posted Ihave no religion on his Facebook profile. But he also wrote a post protesting against the recentmurder of a 19-year-old woman in a high security military area and once criticizing the party hesupported the Awami League for not adopting a secular constitution.”
An analysis of millions of leaked documents from the secretive Panamanian law firm MossackFonsecca shows that China has been the company's biggest source of business. The researchsheds new light on how China's wealthiest people rely on offshore banking to protect their wealth.Our East Asia correspondent Celia Hatton has the details. “China is a pivotal importance forMossack Fonsecca, the company collects fees from more than 16000 companies created throughits Chinese offices representing 29% of its business. The popularity of offshore banking in Chinareflects the growing problem of capital flight. An estimated one trillion dollars was taken out ofmainland China last year, much out illegally through Hong Kong. This movement of moneyundermines the entire Chinese economy while also driving up global property prices.”
Angola is asking International Monetary Fund for financial assistance, the country has been hithard by the decline in oil prices, here’s our economic’s correspondent Andrew Walker. “Oilaccounts for more than 95% of Angola's export and more than2/3 of government revenue.International oil prices are now well below half the level it reached in 2014, so Angola is seekingfinancial assistance and negotiations are due to begin later this month. The IMF said it was readyto help Angola address its economic challenges.” World news from the BBC.
Further pressures building for the impeachment of the Brazilian President Dilma Roussef who isaccused of misrepresenting the extend of budget shortfalls during her reelection campaign in2014. The representative for a special congressional impeachment commission Jovair Arantes hasdelivered a report saying he had concluded there was a legal basis in the case against thepresident. His view is nonbinding on the commission.
Exit polls in a Dutch referendum on a European Union treaty with Ukraine indicate there has beenan overwhelming rejection of the plan, 64 against 36%. Anna Holligan reports. “This was anonbinding referendum and yet the Dutch government is already under pressure to consider theresults. It's too soon to predict what impacts, if any, the result will help the Netherland ratificationof a free trade deal which is already been signed and sealed by all 27 other EU member states.The fact, the 2/3 of the Dutch electorate didn't show up to cast their vote, is also significantreflecting either apathy or an effort to keep the turnout below the required threshold.”
The governor of Florida, southern United States, has revoked a ban on cohabitation that hadbeen enforced for 148 years. The ban, rarely enforced in modern times, made it a crime forunmarried couples to live together punishable by fine of up to 500 dollars and as much as 60days in jail.

One of America's most popular country music singers Merle Haggard has died. He was 79, passedaway from pneumonia on his birthday. Haggard served a prison sentence before launching acareer that last six decades. He is credited with helping create the twangy Bakersfield soundcountry sound which became soon influential. His hits included Mama tried. BBC news.

ban :禁令
cohabitation :同居
fine :罚款
pneumonia :肺炎
impeachment: 弹劾
budget :预算
rely on :依靠
religious :宗教的
secular :世俗的;非宗教的;
domestic n. 国货;佣人adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的

psychologically adv. 心理上地;心理学地

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