招聘岗位: 博士生
招生范围: 欢迎有生物医学、生物医学工程、生物材料、生物科技等学科背景的同学申请。有相关实验室经验者优先。
陈汉辉 (Prof. Hon Fai CHAN) 助理教授,博士生导师, 2015年于美国杜克大学获得博士学位,2016 - 2017年分别于纽约哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)及麻省理工学院(MIT)担任博士后研究员,2017年获聘出任香港中文大学组织工程与再生医学研究所及生物医学学院助理教授。
陈汉辉课题组主要研究方向: 纳米到微米尺度上研发应用在组织工程与组织再生上的创新材料与技朮, 重点研究肝与胃肠道的组织工程与修复, 包括:
1. 探索纳米生物材料与细胞相互作用,譬如拓扑结构对干细胞的分化与行为的影响
2. 利用微流控技术,构建可控的3D细胞培养环境,优化工程化肝组织条件
3. 发展仿生化的生物材料,利用3D打印等技朮构筑细胞 / 支架结构物质以助于组织再生
4. 以生物力学角度研究胃肠道的发育机理, 探索工程化组织技术
提供的补助待遇: 按香港中文大学规定享受相关待遇(https://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/page/FeesandFinancialAids#a3), 学生可申请学校宿舍。
语文规定是雅思6.5和托福 550 (Paper-based) /213 (Computer-based) /79 (Internet-based);
1. Y. Zhu*, Z. Ma*, L. Kong*, Y. He, H.F. Chan#, H. Li#, “Modulation of macrophages by bioactive glass/sodium alginate hydrogel is crucial in skin regeneration enhancement” Biomaterials 256 (2020)
2. X. Liu*, C. Steiger*, S. Lin*, G. A. Parada, J. Liu, H.F. Chan, H. Yuk, N. V. Phan, J. Collins, S. Tamang, G. Traverso, X. Zhao#, “Ingestible hydrogel device” Nature Communications, 10, 493. (2019)
3. H.F. Chan*, R. Zhao*, G. A. Parada, H. Meng, K. W. Leong, L. G. Griffith, X. Zhao#, "Folding artificial mucosa with cell-laden hydrogels guided by mechanics models" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (29), 7503-7508. (2018)
4. H.F. Chan*, S. Ma*, J. Tian, K. W. Leong#, "High-throughput screening of microchip-synthesized genes in programmable double-emulsion droplets" Nanoscale, 9 (10), 3485-3495. (2017)
5. H.F. Chan*, S. Ma*, K.W. Leong#, “Can microfluidics address biomanufacturing challenges in drug/gene/cell therapies?” Regenerative biomaterials 3 (2), 87-98 (2016)
6. H.F. Chan*, Y. Zhang, K. W. Leong#, "Efficient one-step production of microencapsulated hepatocyte spheroids with enhanced functions" Small, 12 (20), 2720-2730. (2016)
7. S. Hong*, D. Sycks*, H.F. Chan*, S. Lin, G. P. Lopez, F. Guilak, K. W. Leong, X. Zhao#, "3D printing of highly stretchable and tough hydrogels into complex, cellularized structures" Advanced Materials, 27 (27), 4035-4040. (2015)
8. Y. L. Chiu*, H.F. Chan, K. K. L. Phua, Y. Zhang, S. Juul, B. R. Knudsen, Y. P. Ho, K.W. Leong#, "Synthesis of fluorosurfactants for emulsion-based biological applications" ACS Nano, 8 (4): 3913-3920. (2014)
9. C. Cao*, H.F. Chan, J. Zang, K. W. Leong, X. Zhao#, “Harnessing localized ridges for high‐aspect‐ratio hierarchical patterns with dynamic tunability and multifunctionality” Advanced Materials, 26 (11), 1763-1770. (2014)
10. H.F. Chan, Y. Zhang, Y. L. Chiu, Y. P. Ho, Y. Jung, and K. W. Leong#, "Rapid formation of multicellular spheroids in double-emulsion droplets with controllable microenvironment" Scientific Reports, 3: 3462. (2013)