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 楼主| 发表于 2020-6-3 10:11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英国女王大学 Dr Meilan Huang 课题组招聘”玛丽居里” (MSCA)CITI-GENS 博士
玛丽居里 CITI-GENS 博士项目 欧洲玛丽居里学者项目是欧洲最具声望的博士奖学金,CITI-GENS 博士项目旨在培养未 来跨学科的高科技国际化专业领军人才,致力于解决创新生态系统的全球性挑战。
玛丽居里(MSCA)CITI-GENS 博士待遇:
? 国际学生学费;
? 优厚工资 ?28925.25/每年;
? 工作签证;
? 作为玛丽居里研究员(MSCA Fellow),享受英国女王大学员工福利;
? 国际知名制药企业实习。
英国女王大学(Queen’s University Belfast)介绍:
英国女王大学是英国研究大学联盟 Russell Group 成员之一。Russell group 大学由英国最顶 尖的 24 所大学组成,包括英国牛津大学,剑桥大学,帝国理工,UCL 等世界顶尖大学。
黄美兰博士现就职女王大学化学化工学院,博士生导师。长期从事计算化学与计算生物学 研究。研究领域包括生物催化、蛋白工程、计算机辅助药物设计以及新能源材料的开发, 已在 J. Am Chem. Soc, Nat Comm, ACS Catalysis, Chem Comm, PhysChemChemPhys, J Phys Chem, Biochemistry, Proteins 等业内知名杂志发表论文 50 余篇,为英国 EPSRC、BBSRC 的基金评审。曾获英国 Wellcome Trust Fellowship,加拿大 NSERC fellowship,在牛津大 学理论与物理化学系及英国英属哥伦比亚大学医学院从事计算化学研究。英国 Invest NI 资 助女王大学-Almac‘计算生物及分子生物学生物技术平台’项目负责人。
Machine-learning based design of biocatalysts for sustainable production of
high-value industrial products
? 申请日期截止前三年内在英国居留时间未超过 12 个月;
? 尚未获博士学位,研究经历未超过 4 年;
? 极好的英语沟通能力。雅思或托福成绩 (雅思总分至少 6.5,单科不低于 5.5;托
福总分至少 90, 听力 17/阅读 18/口语 20/写作 17; 多邻国考试总分 105-110);
? 化学或者化工相关背景,有良好的解决问题能力及科研能力。
申请截止日期:2020 年 7 月 10 日下午 4 点(UTC 时间) 联系方式: Dr Meilan Huang m.huang@qub.ac.uk https://twitter.com/MeilanHuangQUB
Looking for an exciting PhD opportunity? My group is recruiting a PhD student funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie CITI-GENS doctoral training programme
Marie Sklodowska-Curie CITI-GENS PhD programme
The 3-year fully funded MSCA CITI-GENS programme is co-funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme and Queen’s University Belfast. The students will have the title of Early Stage Researcher (ESR) and be the employees of Queen’s University Belfast while pursuing their doctoral study.
Queen’s University Belfast
QUB is a member of Russell Group comprised of 24 leading UK research universities such as Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial.
Salary: ?28925.25 (or ?24,246.99 with pension). Dr Meilan Huang
Dr Meilan Huang leads a group in Computational Chemistry and Biology at QUB. Her main research interest is theoretical catalysis, enzyme engineering and rational molecular design. She has successfully led several interdisciplinary projects in rational enzyme engineering and has over 50 publications in internationally peer-reviewed journals including J Am Chem Soc, Nature Comm and ACS Catalysis. With a long-standing close collaboration with Industry, she has recently supervised an interdisciplinary biotechnology project funded by the Invest NI (2015-2019) ‘Developing a Computational and Molecular Biology between Almac and QUB’.
Project introduction:
Title: Machine-learning based design of enzyme biocatalysts for sustainable production of high-value industrial products
The project has following specifications:
   ? Enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions
? Structure-function relationship of biocatalysts
? Structure-guided rational design of novel enzyme biocatalysts

? Machine learning accelerated prediction of activities/selectivity
? At the time of recruitment (July 10, 2020), in the first four years of their research careers and must not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree.
? Researchers can be of any nationality. However, they ‘shall not have resided in the UK for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date (July 10, 2020).
? The minimum requirement for eligibility for consideration will be equivalent of a UK 2.1 Hons degree/equivalent OR Masters completion. Outstanding candidates with an undergraduate degree with strong research interest can also be considered.
? Applicants whose native language is not English need to meet the minimum language requirement (IELTS: 6.5, or TOEFL: 90, or Duolingo test: 105-110)
Application deadline: 16:00 UTC, July 10, 2020.
Details of the project and application procedure can be found in the CITI-GENS Website: https://www.qub.ac.uk/Study/Post ... /Doctoral-Training- Centres/citigens/CITI-GENSProjects/.
Informal Enquiries: Dr Meilan Huang (email: m.huang@qub.ac.uk). https://twitter.com/MeilanHuangQUB


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