1.听写包 答案:
Listen to part of a lecture in a material science class.
So what’s the first thing that comes to mind when wetalk about uses for copper? Tammy?
The penny. It’s made of copper.
Okay, good one. But what’s a one cent coin worththese days?
You might get back change, like if you go to the storeand give the cashier 5 dollars for something thatcosts 4 dollars 98 cents,
you’ll get 2 cents back, but 2 cents does not buymuch.
The value of the penny in terms of what it’ll buy has gotten so low that there’s actually a moveafoot to eliminate the coin from US currency, but there’s more to it.
As Tammy implied, the penny looks like it’s solid copper.
It is reddish orange with a bright metallic luster when it’s new, but that’s just the copperplating.
The penny’s not solid copper, in actuality, it is almost 98 percent zinc.
But given the rising value of both these metals, each penny now costs about 1.7 cents toproduce, so it generates what is called negative Seigniorage.
Negative Seigniorage is when the cost of minting a coin is more than the coin’s face value.
Even though the penny generates quite a bit of negative Seigniorage, there is concern that ifit’s eliminated, we’ll need more nickels,
because more merchants might start setting prices in five-cent increments, 4 dollar 95 centsand so on.
So we need a trusty five-cent piece that can be minted economically.
Currently,there are about 270 million people agedbetween 18 and 30 in China,and the owning rate ofsmartphone among this age group is up to 92%,farabove the global average of 67%.According tostatistics,the annual per capita disposable incomeof Chinese urban residents is 24,565 yuan,with average monthly income per capita being2,047 yuan.That means,urban residents can afford an iPhone 5 with a price of 5,288 yuan afterworking for 3 months.Whereas,during the first 10 months in 2012,actual per capita disposableincome in America is 32,653.1 dollars,with average monthly income per capita being 3,265 dollars.That tells us,American people can afford 16 iPhones 5 by working only for onemonth.Calculating in this way,American people's consumptive power of iPhone 5 is 48 timesthat of Chinese people.But the coverage of smartphone in America is still surpassed byChina,from which Chinese people's great enthusiasm towards smartphone is obvious.