比利时列日大学Thomas Marichal教授免疫生理学实验室(Immunophysiology Lab)欲招收免疫学方向博士一名。Immunophysiology Lab今年连续产出Nature Immunology,Immunity, Nature等高水平文章(详见最后Publication部分),并且主持欧盟Horizon2020-ERC研究项目,在肺部固有免疫系统研究以及哮喘领域处于领先地位。实验室PI Thomas Marichal教授在2018年凭借对于肺部免疫微环境平衡研究的突出贡献获得阿斯利康科学奖,实验室成员来自世界各地,年轻充满活力,整个实验室正处在高速发展阶段。
1. 工作语言为英语,需要具有流利英语交流能力;
2. 专业为免疫相关学科或细胞生物学相关学科;
3. 熟练掌握细胞/分子生物学实验基本技术;
4. 有动物实验经验以及生物信息学经验更佳。
有意者请准备个人CV以及之前工作的work summary(一页即可)发送邮件至:qiang.bai@uliege.be (Dr. BAI Qiang) 并标注主题为: "CSC application +申请人姓名"
About the lab
The Immunophysiology lab is located at GIGA institute which is bio-medical research-focused institute attached to University of Liege, in Belgium, in the heart of Europe.
The goal of our research is to understand the complex pulmonary immune system and have an insight of the homeostasis of pulmonary immunity from that. In the lung mucosa, epithelial cells, neutrophils and macrophages are particularly exposed and responsive to external threats such as pollutants, allergens, microbes or microbial products. Understanding how these cells interact with each other to regulate homeostasis and disease development is of fundamental biological importance and has critical implications for the prevention of immune-mediated disorders such as asthma. In Immunophysiology lab, we mainly use innovative transgenic tools in mice in combination with single cell technologies to address this question.
The research work in Immunophysiology lab is well financially supported from all level. We benefit from the funding from European Research Council (ERC), Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), Acteria Foundation and University of Liege. We are currently in the starting phase of our ERC project under European “Horizon 2020” framework, which will support abundantly our research work from 2019 to 2023.
The Principal Investigator, Professor Thomas Marichal, was awarded the 2018 AstraZeneca Scientific Prize for the work in understanding how the pulmonary immune system works during homeostasis and how dysfunction can lead to type-2 immune-mediated diseases, widely associated with bronchial asthma.
To see the details about our projects, funding, but also our team members and our life in Immunophysiology lab, please visit our website: https://www.gigaimmunophysiology.uliege.be
About the project
The mechanisms underlying lung homeostasis are of fundamental biological importance and have critical implications for the prevention of immune-mediated diseases such as asthma. We have demonstrated that lung Interstitial Macrophages (IM) exhibit a tolerogenic profile and are able to prevent and limit the development of aberrant immune responses against allergens, thus underscoring their role as crucial regulators of lung homeostasis (Bedoret et al., JCI, 2009). In addition, we have shown that IM could expand from monocyte precursors upon host exposure to bacterial unmethylated CpG-DNA, resulting in robust protection against allergic asthma (Sabatel, Radermecker, Fievez et al., Imunity, 2017). To date, however, IM have only been characterized as a bulk population in functional studies, and little is known about the tissue-instructive signals, specific transcription factors and differentiation programs which contribute to determining their identity (ID) and function, as proposed by the macrophage niche model. We have developed an innovative transgenic tool to selectively target IM which, in combination with high dimensional single cell technologies, will allow us to (1) define the precise ID of IM, i.e. their spatial organization, heterogeneity, molecular signature and the specific TF governing their differentiation and function; (2) investigate how IM ID is imprinted by the local niche to sustain lung homeostasis. Specifically, we aim to identify the epithelial cell-derived chemo-attractive signals controlling IM precursor recruitment and to elucidate the contribution of the lung cholinergic nervous system to IM ID and lung homeostasis. This research will increase our understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying the fine-tuning of tolerogenic IM and will thus provide robust foundations for novel IM-targeted approaches promoting health and preventing airway diseases in which IM (dys)functions have been implicated.
We will work with you and help you to get CSC (China Scholarship Council) funding. You will be expected to work in Immunophyiology lab with Prof. Thomas Marichal and other team members to contribute to our ERC project. You will mainly with animal model but your work will get across a large panel of techniques including:
• high-throughput technologies: single-cell RNA sequencing, proteomics
• in vivo experiments: setup animal model, adoptive transfer, bone marrow chimeric animal setup, in vivo viral transduction
• ex vivo experiments: cytometry technologies, cell sorting, primary cell derivation
• in vitro experiments: lentiviral/AAV production/transduction
• molecular experiments: classical RT-qPCR, Western plot, ELISA.
About working environment
About University of Liege and GIGA Institute
The University of Liege (French: Université de Liège), or ULiège, was founded in 1817 and is a major public university of the French Community of Belgium based in Liege, Belgium. More than 2000 people, academics, scientists and technicians, are involved in research of a wide variety of subjects from basic research to applied research.
Website: https://www.uliege.be/cms/c_8750816/en/portail-uliege
GIGA is University of Liège’s interdisciplinary research institute in the biomedical sciences. Located within the University Hospital on the Sart-Tilman campus, GIGA counts more than 600 scientists focusing on the development of health solutions for the benefit of the patients. GIGA scientists include medical doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, psychologists, molecular and cellular biologists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians and engineers.
Website: https://www.giga.uliege.be/cms/c_4334872/en/giga-le-giga
About Liege
Liege is located in the heart of Europe, where several main European cultures converge: the French, German and Netherland culture. The city is situated in the valley of the Meuse, in the east of Belgium, not far from borders with the Netherlands (Maastricht is about 33 km (20.5 mi) to the north) and with Germany (Aachen is about 53 km (32.9 mi) north-east, Koln about 120 km).
Liege is a major Walloon city and municipality and the capital of the Belgian province of Liège. The city is part of the sillon industriel, the former industrial backbone of Wallonia. It still is the principal economic and cultural centre of the region.
Website: https://www.liege.be/en
Main publication of Immunophysiology lab in recent year
1. Joey Schyns, Qiang Bai, Cecilia Ruscitti, Coraline Radermecker, Sebastiaan De Schepper, Svetoslav Chakarov, Frédéric Farnir, Dimitri Pirottin, Florent Ginhoux, Guy Boeckxstaens, Fabrice Bureau, and Thomas Marichal. (2019) Non-classical tissue monocytes and two functionally distinct populations of interstitial macrophages populate the mouse lung. Nat Commun 10, 21.
2. Coraline Radermecker, Catherine Sabatel, Céline Vanwinge, Cecilia Ruscitti, Pauline Maréchal, Fabienne Perin, Joey Schyns, Natacha Rocks, Marie Toussaint, Didier Cataldo, Sebastian L Johnston, Fabrice Bureau, and Thomas Marichal. (2019) Locally instructed CXCR4hi neutrophils trigger environment-driven allergic asthma through the release of neutrophil extracellular traps. Nat Immunol 20, 1444–1455.
3. Sophie El Abbas, Coraline Radermecker, Qiang Bai, Charline Beguin, Joey Schyns, Margot Meunier, Dimitri Pirottin, Christophe J Desmet, Marie-Alice Meuwis, Tatiana Art, Edouard Louis, See-Ying Tam, Mindy Tsai, Fabrice Bureau, Stephen J Galli, and Thomas Marichal. (2019) Epithelial RABGEF1 deficiency promotes intestinal inflammation by dysregulating intrinsic MYD88-dependent innate signaling. Mucosal Immunol 35, 538 (2019).
4. Toussaint M, Jackson DJ, Swieboda D, Guedán A, Tsourouktsoglou D, Ching YM, Radermecker C, Makrinioti H, Aniescenko J, Edwards MR, Solari R, Farnir F, Papayannopoulos V, Bureau F$, Marichal T$, Johnston SL$. (2017) Host DNA released by NETosis promotes rhinovirus-induced type-2 allergic asthma exacerbation.Nat Med23(6):681-691. [IF29.9
5. Sabatel C*, Radermecker C*, Fievez L*, Paulissen G, Chakarov S, Fernandes C, Olivier S, Toussaint M, Pirottin D, Xiao X, Quatresooz P, Sirard JC, Cataldo D, Gillet L, Bouabe H, Desmet CJ, Ginhoux F, Marichal T$, Bureau F$(2017)Exposure to Bacterial CpG-DNA Protects from Airway Allergic Inflammation by Expanding Regulatory Lung Interstitial Macrophages. Immunity46(3):457-473. [IF 22.8]
6. Marichal T*, Gaudenzio N*, Starkl P, El Abbas S, Reber LL, Sibilano R, Kim J, Chambon P, Roers A, Antoine N, Kawakami Y, Kawakami T, Bureau F, Tam SY, Tsai M, Galli SJ (2016) Guanine nucleotide exchange factor RABGEF1 regulates keratinocyte-intrinsic signaling to maintain skin homeostasis.J Clin Invest126(12):4497-4515.
7. Raulier S*, Mesnil C*, Paulissen G, Xiao X, Birrell MA, Pirottin D, Janss T, Ramery E, Gillet L, Thiry M, Belvisi ML, Desmet C, Marichal T$, Bureau F$(2016)Lung-resident eosinophils represent a distinct regulatory eosinophil subset. J Clin Invest126(9): 3279-95. [IF 13.6]
8. Marichal T*,Starkl P*, Reber LL, Kalesnikoff J, Oettgen HC, Tsai M, Metz M$, Galli SJ$(2013) A Beneficial Role for IgE in Host Defense Against Honeybee Venom.Immunity39 (5), 1-13.[IF21.6]
9. Marichal T, Ohata K, Bedoret D, Mesnil C, Sabatel C, Kobyiama K, Lekeux P, Cevaiyr C, Akira S, Ishii KJ$, Bureau F$, Desmet CJ$. (2011) DNA released from dying host cells mediates aluminium adjuvant activity. Nat Med17, 996-1002. [IF29.9]
10. Schyns J, Bureau F$, Marichal T$(2018) Lung interstitial macrophages: past, present and future. J Immunol Res 5160794 [IF 3.3]
11. Liégeois M*, Legrand C*, Desmet C, Marichal T$, Bureau F$(2018) The interstitial macrophage: a long-neglected piece in the puzzle of innate immunity. Cell Immunol [Epub ahead of print] [IF 3.2]
12. Radermecker C, Louis R, Bureau F$, Marichal T$(2018) Role of neutrophils in allergic asthma.Curr Opin Immunol 54:28-34. [IF 8.5]
13. Marichal T, Mesnil C, Bureau F. (2017) Homeostatic eosinophils: characteristics and functions. Front Med 4:101. [IF 6.4]