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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-17 10:44:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
项目介绍:csc与索邦大学(sorbonne université)的合作项目
1. 应届与往届硕士毕业生

1. 性格开朗,勤奋好学;
2. 仅考虑有机合成或材料科学的候选人,有超分子均相催化背景的学生更佳;
3. 有至少一篇一作的英文文章;
4. 需要与课题组一起申请csc。

课题1 : Synthesis and study of high-performance emitting materials for solid-state organic lasers
Direct Supervisor : David KREHER, Associate Professor, E-mail : david.kreher@sorbonne-universite.fr
        Lasers are optical devices that generate intense beam of coherent monochromatic light by stimulated emission of radiation. Because of these unique properties, they are used in various applications in different fields such as medicine, communications, industries, science and technology. Although they can have various aspects, lasers are always composed of three essential building blocks: a gain medium, a pump source and a resonator. Organic-based dyes have been employed as gain media for lasers since the 1960s, and these organic gain media used consisted first in solutions of highly luminescent-conjugated (dye) molecules, second in incorporating dyes in solid-state polymeric matrices. Nowadays, solid-state lasers based on emissive-conjugated small molecules or polymers have largely replaced the traditional liquid dye lasers and a number of new and miniaturized organic lasers have emerged.  However, all the organic lasers developed so far are optically pumped solid-state lasers, requiring an inorganic pulsed laser as excitation source. Very recently, the first demonstration of an organic laser diode based on a blue emitter has been carried out leading to an important breakthrough inthe domain.
        In this context, we propose to design, synthesize and fully characterize new donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) emitters based on extended oligophenylenevinylene or benzothiadiazole cores, recently developed in our research group. Such materials will exhibit high oscillator strengths, high photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQY~90-100%), and very short fluorescence lifetimes which are specifications for efficient organic gain media.
        The candidate will be in charge of the synthesis of gain materials and their photophysic characterizations. After screening few materials, he/she will also take part of the evaluation of their potential for organic lasers by examining their Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) properties in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (UMR 7538),2b,7 before to go towards devices fabrication in the framework of an international collaboration with OPERA (Fukuoka, Japan).

课题2: PhD Proposal : Novel light-emitting polymers based on thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF)
Direct Supervisor : Dr. Fabrice MATHEVET, CNRS Researcher. E-mail : fabrice.mathevet@sorbonne-universite.fr

        Since the first evidence of high-performance organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) based on thermally activated delayed fluorescent (TADF) molecules in 2012, the development of novel highly efficient TADF emitters represents an active area of recent research in the field of OLEDs. The mechanism of TADF emission is based on an up-conversion from triplets to singlets using thermal energy, which enables the triplets to contribute to the electroluminescence without need of using rare and expensive heavy metals. The most successful design proposed so far is based on the introduction of electron donor and acceptor moieties in light-emitting molecular structures in an appropriate way to decrease the spatial overlap between the LUMO and the HOMO electronic distribution.
        Based on this molecular engineering concept, a large variety of TADF molecules has been reported in the last few years and these materials were successfully used in OLEDs with efficiencies equivalent to those achieved in phosphorescent devices.
        Most TADF materials developed so far are small molecules that are vacuum-deposited to form thin films. Due to the advantages of solution-processing techniques for the fabrication of low cost and large area organic electronic devices, the realization of high performance solution-processed TADF OLEDs based on oligomers/polymers would represent an important breakthrough in the field.
        In this work, we aim to design and characterize new solution-processable TADF polymer architectures based on an innovative macromolecular approaches in which the donor moieties are fixed in the conjugated backbone, and the acceptor moieties are directly grafted as side-groups. These architectures should be able to exhibit high-performance electroluminescence properties in view of the elaboration of OLEDs.
        The traineeship will contain the following tasks : (1) the synthesis and purification of a series of light emitting polymers (NMR, GPC, Maldi-TOF), (2) the study of their optical properties (UV-Visible and photoluminescence spectroscopy), (3) the characterization of their electroluminescence properties in collaboration with Japanese partners.

课题3: Novel switchable spin crossover complexes-based materials for molecular electronics
David KREHER, Associate Professor, Rodrigue Lescouëzec, Professor, Email: david.kreher@sorbonne-universite.fr, rodrigue.lescouezec@sorbonne-universite.fr

        Molecular switches, which can undergo reversible changes of their electronic properties under external perturbation are attracting strong research interests because of their potential application in molecule-based nanodevices. In particular, magnetic switches, such as spin-crossover, charge-transfer complexes, whose spin-state can be controlled by light, pressure, temperature, electric and magnetic fields, open opportunities molecular electronic. In this context, strong efforts have been devoted to the deposition of these complexes onto solid surfaces as this can represent a first stage in the device’s construction. However, most of the explored routes lead to isolating materials that are difficult to integrate into actual devices. Inspired by the devolvement of molecular electronic driven by polymer science, we started to explore new route that could lead to materials combining both the unusual electronic properties of the molecular switches and the advantageous conductive and mechanical properties of organic polymers.
        Following some unprecedented results that have to be confirmed, this multidisciplinary PhD deals with the design, the synthesis and the characterization of a novel series of functionalized magnetic spin crossover complexes (SCO) – based molecular switches incorporated into polymer matrices. The student will have several objectives, from their synthesis to their integration into hybrid nanomaterials. To achieve this challenging subject, several synthetic and complementary characterization techniques will be needed, including NMR and usual spectroscopies, cyclic voltammetry, DSC and ATG, as well as SQUID and PM-IRRAS to characterize their photoswitchable and magnetic properties. The ultimate goal is to elaborate robust switchable hybrid thin-films that aims to be integrated into electronic devices. This means also that thin film morphology preparation and characterization by AFM and/or XPS or even synchrotron measurements (XAS, XMCD) will also be necessary. This work will be co-directed by R. Lescouëzec and D. Kreher from IPCM, in close cooperation with other colleagues from Sorbonne University.
        The candidate will be in charge of the synthesis ligands, molecular switches and hybrid polymers. He will participate to all their chemical and physical characterization together with the IPCM and external collaborators.
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