入学时间-2020秋季 。 提供Full time RA/TA。硕士研究生, 或者有研究经验的本科应届毕业生优先考虑。对实验流体力学,生物流体力学, 流体力学在医学领域应用感兴趣的,特别是有PIV测试技术背景的学生优先考虑。如有问题,请直接发Email至yan.zhang.4@ndsu.edu咨询。
Dr. Yan Zhang, the Applied Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, at NDSU Mechanical Engineering department, is currently recruiting Ph.D. students. Research/teaching assistantship will be available starting Fall 2020. Prospective students with research interests in topics of bio-fluid dynamic, cardiovascular flow, and biomedical engineering are encouraged to apply. Students should hold at least a B.S. or equivalent degree in a relevant Engineering discipline. Prior experimental or CFD research experience is a plus.
If interested, please send your CV and a copy of B.S. and/or M.S. transcripts to the email address (yan.zhang.4@ndsu.edu). Please feel free to contact if you have any question.
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