








Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-20 09:39:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
爱尔兰都柏林城市大学国家级数据分析研究中心(Insight Centre for Data Analytics)招收全额奖学金博士生一名。

主要研究方向: 物联网,机器学习,数据分析,边缘计算,5G 网络,电动车辆


The fifth-generation mobile technology (5G) has been developing to provide tremendous benefits to the whole society. 5G, aligned with the emerging concept of large-scale Internet of Things (IoT), is expected to provide seamless connection among people, things, and systems in a smart networked communication environment. This new paradigm will support and enable novel application scenarios and services to be deployed in the context of smart buildings, smart campus, and smart cities, by effectively sharing information among different entities in a fast and reliable manner. However, handling large volumes of data streams from the IoT devices possesses new challenges for traditional network management and operation, such as network congestions and latency, which will inherently affect users’ experience. To address these challenges, new IoT architecture and management models need to be designed to best leverage the existing computing resources at the edge networks while deploying AI technologies to maximise the network efficiency and efficacy.

This PhD project is to further explore the ideas of pushing AI to the edge networks in a 5G context. In particular, the candidate will investigate the impacts, challenges and opportunities of E-Mobility on data processing and computing at the level of edge and fog nodes in the Smart DCU initiative. The candidate will develop scalable machine learning models and simulation frameworks in realistic scenarios and use cases by leveraging 5G testbeds and E-scooters to be rolled out in the DCU campus. As part of the research outcomes, key technical and business KPIs will be demonstrated.

招生需求及详情请参考: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/481019

奖学金: 18500欧一年 (免税), 雅思成绩: 6.5

申请截止日期: 2020年3月2日

都柏林城市大学简介:https://www.dcu.ie/international ... ro_in_Chinese.shtml

Insight Centre for Data Analytics 简介: https://www.insight-centre.org/content/who-we-are


Dr Mingming Liu:

目前为爱尔兰都柏林城市大学电子工程系助理教授(博导资格)。担任IEEE国际电气电子工程师协会会员,IEEE多篇知名期刊长期应邀审稿人及多个国际学术会议技术委员会成员。 2015年获得爱尔兰梅努斯国立大学博士学位(由爱尔兰国家基金会全额资助),师从 Prof. Bob Shorten (现任英国帝国理工大学全职正教授), 博士期间和各大公司如IBM研究院,  政府部门, 及多所海外著名高校紧密合作,研究方向为利用控制理论、最优化算法等技术运用于智能交通系统、智能电网系统等相关领域以实现新能源的优化使用和调度。 博士毕业后于爱尔兰都柏林大学(UCD)从事博士后研究工作,进一步将博士期间工作扩展至更大的研究领域及应用场景,运用机器学习、大数据挖掘等技术解决智能交通系统、物联网、工业4.0等领域的问题。 之后任职于IBM创新实验室担任数据科学家一职,期间成功参与申请多个欧盟地平线2020 (EU H2020) 大型战略项目并担任项目负责人。 欧盟地平线2020项目致力于联合欧洲各大科技公司,科研院校等机构通过系列研发框架的实施促进欧盟科研、商业、工业、社会等各方面的发展。目前已有多篇顶级期刊发表于智能交通、智能电网、控制、应用数学、人工智能等领域, 例如,IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 和 Automatica,均被SCI/EI 索引,并获得两项国际专利(IBM)。 曾担任多个国际会议组织人员,参与会议启动、策划、协调等相关事务。

请有兴趣的同学直接于我联系:Dr. Mingming Liu (mingming[dot]liu[at]dcu[dot]ie) 附上CV, Cover letter, 学位成绩单, 以及雅思成绩单。

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