1.听写包 答案:
Well, in 1908, Kikunae Ikeda identified a fifth 'taste'.
And it is thought that MSG intensifies this naturally occurring 'taste' in some food.
It does make perfect evolutionary sense that we should have the ability to detect or taste glutamate because it is the amino acid which is most common in natural foods.
John Prescott, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, suggests that this fifth taste serves a purpose just as the other tastes do.
He suggests that it signals to us the presence of protein in food, in the same way that sweetness indicates that a food contains energy-giveing carbohydrates.
Bitterness, he says, alerts us to toxins in the food, while sourness warns us of spoilage and saltiness signals the presence of minerals.
So, what else do we know about this fifth taste...
Chinese currency has a long history and a vastvariety, which forms a unique monetary culture. The earliest currency of China was seashell, whichprobably appeared in the Xia Dynasty. During theSpring and Autumn Period, diverse currencies wereused owing to the differences in social conditions and cultures in different regions. Theestablishment of Qin Dynasty unified the chaotic Chinese monetary system and peoplebegan to use copper coins. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Jiaozi, the world's first papercurrency, appeared Silver became the legal currency in circulation in the Ming and QingDynasties, while copper coins were often used in small transactions. The changing form ofcurrency showed the development of Chinese business, which was an important part of Chineseancient civilization.