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 楼主| 发表于 2020-1-9 10:15:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear students,

My name is Han Hu. I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. I would like to recruit two Ph.D. students starting either Spring 2020 or Fall 2020.

There are two major research directions in my lab. The first direction is focused on the experimental characterization of the wetting kinetics and phase-change processes on micro-/nano-structures during, including characterizing the dynamic contact angles and wicking kinetics of droplets in the nanoliter range, capturing the bubble dynamics during nucleate boiling using high-speed imaging, and measuring the temperature field and heat flux during boiling and evaporation using infrared camera and thermocouples. We collaborate actively with professors in nanotechnology, chemistry, and biochemistry for work in this direction. Students that are interested in building experimental apparatuses (preparing CAD drawings, wiring sensors, assembling parts) and operating optical devices for high-speed imaging are welcome to apply.

The other direction is focused on leveraging machine learning algorithms to solve thermal-fluid problems including, machine-learning-aided atomistic modeling, supervised and unsupervised learning for analyzing the bubble dynamics during boiling, neural-networks-based system control, image classification with convolutional neural networks, and multi-fidelity learning for model reduction. We collaborate with faculty in computer science and mathematics. Students that are interested in mathematical derivation and programming are welcome to apply.

If you are interested in either of the two directions, please feel free to contact me at hanhu@uark.edu. Thanks for your interest!

Han Hu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: 479-575-6790; Fax: 479-575-6982

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