伦敦大学国王学院物理学院(Plasmonic&Nanophysics) Dr Amelle Zair 课题组招收CSC公派及全奖博士:
招生类型:CSC 博士 (Ph.D.)
招收院校:伦敦大学国王学院(King's College London, 2020 QS ranking: 33)
课题组研究方向:Plasmonic&Nanophysics--Attosecond Physics
校区:Strand Campus(London, UK)
导师研究方向:1. Attosecond Physics: resolving ultrafast dynamical processes in atoms, molecules in gas and condensate phases;
2. Attosecond Light Source: production, characterisation and control of intense and high repetition rate attosecond XUV sources;
3. Ultrafast Laser Sciences/Filamentation
实验室在读博士生 3 人,博后 1 人
导师:Dr. Amelle ZAIR (https://www.kcl.ac.uk/nms/depts/ ... emicstaff/Zair.aspx)
导师简介:Dr. Amelle Zair是法国人,在法国University of Bordeaux拿到博士学位,之后在瑞士ETH做博后的时候,2008年首次发现了高次谐波产生过程中量子路径干涉现象(Quantum Path Interference - QPI),这是QPI领域的奠基性工作( Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 143902 (2008))。之后拿到EPSRC career acceleration fellows在帝国理工做PI。去年在Kings College London拿Lecturer的职位。
实验室主页: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/research/photonics-nanotechnology
Phone:020 7848 2491 K-CSC申请截止日期是2020年1月10日
联系时请附 本硕成绩及 CV (成绩优秀,语言符合伦敦大学国王学院要求)
K-CSC Ph.D Scholarship
In collaboration with the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the scholarship covers:
Full tuition fees for the duration of the course;
Living allowance;
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC);
VISA application fees;
Return international airfare between UK and China;
These scholarships are outside of the usual King's scholarship allocation and have many additional benefits including covering 4-years of a PhD.