各位同学们,为了督促帮助大家持续提升英语能力,培君老师们特意给大家准备了托福每日一包。每天覆盖听说读写内容,坚持完成两周以上,就能见到自己的英语能力不断上涨哟。 1.口语包
Listen to a conversation between a student and her economics professor.
Excellent presentation you made at the end of class yesterday.
Oh, thanks.
I’m so glad you volunteered to present first.
Starting out by outlining what you were going to say, then at the end summarizing the key points.
It was a very effective way of getting your points across.
I’m glad you think so. I was afraid it might come across as too formal.
Not at all. In fact, I think it’s a great approach in general for these presentations.
So I hope the others were taking note, and the economic model you discussed: build operate transfer, I think everyone was quite interested.
Yeah. It makes so much sense,
if governments allow private companies to build public works like a power plant
and then operate it for a decade or two before transferring ownership to the government, everyone benefits.
Yes, the private companies make a profit, the public gets immediate infrastructure.
2,阅读包答案: 对像意识这样个人化的经历的科学研究令人沮丧,它远非实验心理学家通常的研究工具所能胜任。
3.写作包答案: The Internet has been used for public service inChina for about twenty years. So far, the number ofChinese Internet users over 590 million. Being widelyused in China, the Internet has pervaded all aspectsof life. The Internet businesses most frequently usedby Chinese Internet users are email, news, search engine, web browsing, online music, instantmessage, online entertainment and so on. The Internet has been changing people'sconsumption concept, ways of entertainment and socializing, as well as modes of thinking. Now the Internet information technology has been affecting people's life more deeply than anyother scientific invention in human history.