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 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-19 14:08:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校机械工程系Solomon Adera课题组诚聘博士后,博士生和访问学者
        Solomon Adera教授师从(博士)麻省理工学院机械工程系主任Evelyn Wang教授,和(博士后)美国工程院院士、美国科学院院士、哈佛大学 Joanna Aizenberg 教授。Solomon Adera教授将于 2020 年 1 月入职美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校机械工程系。主要研究方向如下:
1.        Thermal management of microelectronic devices
2.        Phase-change condensation heat transfer of water and low surface tension fluids
3.        Fluid-structure interactions, interfacial phenomena, wettability, droplet/bubble dynamics
4.        Thermofluid systems, two-phase flow, evaporation/condensation
5.        Water harvesting, ice and frost formation
        入组之后,本人鼓励学生同时进行 2 个不同方向的研究工作。要求学生具有以下几个方面的能力:(a)刻苦勤奋,(b)独立自主,自我激励并且有激情,(c)明确的目标,(d)好奇心(勇于提问去理解实验背后的物理现象),(e)乐于学习新技能,需要跳脱出学生以前的背景,(f)乐于与他人合作交流。更重要的是学生本人愿意从基础层面去理解问题。
My name is Solomon Adera. I earned my Ph. D. from the group of Prof. Evelyn Wang at MIT and worked with Prof. Joanna Aizenberg as a postdoc at Harvard University. I will start in January 2020 as an Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My research interest are:
1.        Thermal management of microelectronic devices
2.        Phase-change condensation heat transfer of water and low surface tension fluids
3.        Fluid-structure interactions, interfacial phenomena, wettability, droplet/bubble dynamics
4.        Thermofluid systems, two-phase flow, evaporation/condensation
5.        Water harvesting, ice and frost formation
I am interested in fabricating and testing novel materials that can improve performance of any of the aforementioned research areas. If you are interested in joining an enthusiastic research group, email me (sadera@umich.edu and sadera@seas.harvard.edu) your short bio, detailed resume/CV, publication list and why you want to join my group. Specifically, I would like to know which projects interest you.
I expect my students to work on two different projects. An ideal candidate has the following attributes (a) hard working, (b) self-starter, highly motivated and enthusiastic, (c) goal-oriented, (d) curious (someone who is not afraid to ask questions and wonders how things work), (e) eager to learn new skills, which may require to go out of your comfort zone, (f) eager to collaborate and work with others (team-oriented). Importantly, someone who seeks understanding at a fundamental level.
My work is heavily experimental and requires strong background in thermofluids. Most projects require strong background in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Students whose background is in Mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and material science or closely related fields are good candidates. I welcome visiting students, graduate students and visiting scholars.

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