1.听写包 答案: Hello. Er I'm Dawn Matthews.
Yes, hello. I'v been referred to you because I'm enquiring aboul the refresher courses that you run.
I'd like to find out a bit more about them.
OK. Well, we run quite a few difTerent short courses for students who are either returning to study or studying part-time.
Um, tell me about your situation.
Well, I think that I really need some help in preparing for the coming semester, especially to build up my confidence a bit and help me study effectively
because, you see. I've been out in the work-force for nearly twelve years now, so it really is a long time since I was last a student.
Yes, it can seem like a long time, can't it?
Um, well, let me start by telling you what courses we have that might suit you.
Are you an undergraduate or a postgraduate? Arts or Sciences?
Undergraduate, and I'm in the Business faculty.
Right then. First of all, there's our intensive Study for Success seminar on the first and second of February. Uh-huh.
It's aimed at students like you who are uncertain about what to expect at college,
and looks at a fairly wide range of approaches to university learning, to motivate you to begin your study and build on your own learning strategies.
2.阅读包答案: 在越过大西洋开始新生活后,美国早期的欧洲移民并没有抛弃他们的祖先传统上借以解闷的消遣。
The Golden Week refers to a consecutive seven-daynational holiday. In 1999, China started to carry outthe Golden Week policy. Since then, the GoldenWeek has enriched people's daily life and promotedthe development of social economy by encouragingpeople to travel and spend. Nevertheless, there is no denying that the problems caused by theGolden Week are getting obvious, such as the traffic jams, overcrowded tourist spots andrising prices. In 2012,the Chinese government announced that expressways nationwidewould be toll-free during important holidays, including the two seven-day holidays around theSpring Festival and the National Day, which, to some degree led to the highly increased numberof vehicles and people going out