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 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-11 15:11:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PhD-thesis in Directed Evolution (Nobelprize in Chemistry 2018)

Institute: Apart from the universities, Germany has very strong non-university research institutes such as Max-Planck and Leibniz. The group of
Assistant Professor Martin Weissenborn is at a Leibniz-Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) in Halle as well as at the Institute of Organic Chemistryat the University of Halle, Germany.

Project: The research group for bioorganic chemistry of Assistant Professor Martin Weissenborn works on the topic of the Noble prize winning
field of DIRECTED EVOLUTION. The focus is on the development of novel, non-natural enzymatic reactions. These new enzyme-reactivities shall be developed to be important tools for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
The research focuses in particular on C-C bond forming reactions. There are many ways to perform C-C bond forming reactions in chemistry,
however, in biocatalysis only a few reactions are known. The Weissenborn group was able to discover a protein which is able to catalyse an
enzymatic C=C bond forming reaction of the Wittig-type. This enzyme will be the focus of the PhD-thesis. Also an enzymatic C—H
functionalisation could be shown in collaboration with the Koenigs lab (Angewandte Chemie 2019).

The PhD-thesis will centre on enzyme development by directed evolution and rational design. A strong chemical background and its analytics by
LC-MS and GC-MS is required as well as an urging interest in biochemistry and biochemical tools like polymerase chain reaction, cloning
strategies and protein expression.

The geographical area: Halle is a middle-sized town (280.000 inhabitants) situated in the center of Germany with access to the high-speed train
ICE. Besides the beautiful landscape it also offers vineyards, medieval villages and castles. The vibrant city Leipzig (30 min) and the capital Berlin
(1 hour) are nearby.

Contact:                  Assistant Professor Martin Weissenborn (martin.weissenborn@ipb-halle.de)
Junior-Research Group Bioorganic Chemistry: https://www.ipb-halle.de/en/rese ... oorganic-chemistry/

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