pi:副教授 kai dieckmann
实验室:nus s15 01-16;nus s15 01-17;
实验项目:研究超冷lithium6简并气体在带disorder光晶格中的many-body localization;研究超冷6li-40k极化基态分子在光晶格中的偶极作用;
pi 联系方式:phydk@nus.edu.sg
实验组主页 建议联系prof之前浏览一下实验project详情。
Kai的Phd在荷兰阿姆斯特丹完成,应该是世界上第五个做出BEC的人。博后跟随Wolfgang Ketterle在MIT做锂原子RF光谱和Feshbach共振。Kai从2005年在mpq munich开始做铷-锂-钾三重简并气体实验。在得到Lithium-Potassium费施巴赫分子后于2010年迁到新加坡国立。导师具有丰富的超冷原子实验经验,Kai很乐意帮助学生解决实验,编程,电路方面的问题。
招生要求:本科硕士皆可。成绩单平均分建议83以上,光学,量子力学,原子物理等等基础课不能太低。英语口语能完成基本对话。能准确明白地解释自己做过的项目的目的,物理意义。有实验基础最好,没有实验基础可以尝试做一段时间研究助理。做事认真负责. 跟教授联系不需要gre和英语成绩。在skype面试过以后,由cqt内部的admission committee决定是否需要gre和托福雅思成绩。
(you are a motivated and curious junior scientist and have a degree in physics (or will obtain it in
the near future). coursework already completed during a master’s program can be considered for
advance credit. ideally, you have built a background in quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and
quantum optics, and have already worked in a cold atom or laser laboratory. application documents
should comprise of a cv, a set of transcripts (including an explanation of the grade system), and a
single page motivational statement. applications will be considered immediately until the position is
filled. please do not hesitate to direct your enquiry to kai dieckmann (phydk@nus.edu.sg).)
有需要也可以联系我:837751716@qq.com anbang yang