

 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-6 10:38:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PART 1题目:
1.What will you do when you see litter/rubbish/garbage/trash on the ground in public place?
2.What will you do when seeing others litter/throw garbage on the ground?
3.Have you ever helped others with rubbish cleaning?
4.How do you think about the litter on the street?
5.Why do some people litter on the street?
6.Do you recycle paper and plastic products?
7.Do you classify/sort out rubbish before dumping it?

PART 2题目:
Describe a time when someone encouraged you to achieve your goal.
You should say:
Who this person was
What the goal was
What he/she did to encourage you
And explain how you felt about it/how you achieved the goal under his/her encouragement.

PART 3题目:
Have you ever encouraged other people?
How to encourage kids to work hard at school?
Is it easy to encourage the children?

Is money the only incentive for people to work hard?
Are there any other ways to motivate people?
Who have morer influence on children's goal-setting ,teachers or parents?

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