1.听写包 答案: Let's look at the economic costs first. For example, if a company is producing fruit juiceand it dilutes its product so that it's just a littlebelow the concentration it should be,
many millions of people may be paying a smallamount extra for their carton of orange juice.
Now small amounts like this may seem insignificantfor individual customers - too small to worry about
but for the company this deception might result inmassive illegal profit.
However, all studies of corporate crime agree
that the individuals are in fact deprived of far more money by such crime than they are byconventional crime like robbery and theft.
In addition to this, we have to consider the social costs of corporate crime and these areagain very difficult to assess, but they are considerable.
They're important because they can undermine the faith of the public in the business world.
And also, more importantly, because the main group of people they affect are, in fact, not thericher sections of society but the poorer,
So here companies are robbing the poor to benefit the rich.
With the improvement of living standards, vacation is playing an increasingly important role in Chinese people’s life. In the past, Chinese people mainly spent their time on earning a living and seldom did they have the opportunities to travel abroad. However, the recent years has witnessed a fast development of China’s tourism industry. The boom of economy and emergence of the affluent middle class, has triggered an unprecedented tourism boom. Chinese people are not only traveling within China, but traveling abroad is also becoming more and more popular. During the National Day holiday of 2016, the consumption of tourism adds up to more than 400 billion. According to the estimate of the WTO, China will become the country with the largest tourism industry in the world in 2020, and it will become the country with the fastest consumption increase in traveling abroad in the next few years.