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 楼主| 发表于 2019-10-23 14:08:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Fully funded PhD positions at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas (USA)

The MesoScience Lab develops new algorithms to study mesoscale phenomena in artificial and biological materials. We aspire to be leading code developers for our scientific communities. Our team members collaborate to write new software in a scalable and maintainable framework and we use regular code reviews to ensure that our code is robust and efficient. As a lab, we support open research standards and all of our code is released open-source with the appropriate publication.

The group is pursuing two major research directions. The first is the development of new computational tools for mesoscale quantum dynamics in molecular aggregates and materials. Many photophysical processes in materials, such as exciton transport following singlet fission, occur on length scales too large to simulate using traditional tools. We are developing new algorithms to simulate long length scale quantum dynamics. The second direction is the study of bioenergetics in membrane-bound electron transport chains, such as those found in photosynthesis and respiration. We build biophysical models that combine structural, biochemical, and spectroscopic measurements to explore essential mechanisms that underpin biological function on the cellular length scale.

For more information about the lab please see our website: www.mesosciencelab.com. Dr. Bennett is the principle investigator having completed his PhD At UC Berkeley and a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University. His work in photosynthetic light harvesting and quantum dynamics has been published in premier journals such as PNAS and JACS. Students interested in knowing more about his mentoring style are welcome to contact current members of the group through the lab website.

Fully funded PhD positions - including both tuition and a stipend - are available for self-motivated and energetic candidates. We encourage applicants with degrees from the physical and biological sciences including (but not limited to): Chemistry, Physics, Computational Biology, and Biophysics. Interested applications should contact Dr. Bennett directly by email. Include a cover letter outlining your background and why you are interested in the group, a CV, an English transcript, and the contact information for 2-3 references.  All applicants are expected to apply to the SMU theoretical chemistry PhD program (https://www.smu.edu/Dedman/Acade ... y/GraduateProgram). GREs are required though there is no minimum score. Strong English is essential and a minimum TOEFL score of 80 is required for acceptance into the program.

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