斯威本大学的埃米材料研究转化中心 (Centre for Translational Atomaterials, http://www.swinburne.edu.au/research/translational-atomaterials/ ) 于2019年新近创立。中心致力于埃米材料的研究与科技转化,现拥有全套国际领先的微纳米光学加工设施,表征平台和化学材料实验室。中心现有科研人员70余人,实验室约 2000 平方米,包括全套纳米材料制备,纳米结构加工制造,纳米太阳能电池及透明导电玻璃制造及测试,激光加工制造以及光学特性测试实验室等设施。拥有全世界最好的电子束,离子束纳米加工设备,其三维分辨率优于8 nm,拥有超过15台世界最高性能的飞秒激光器和放大器。微光子学中心在纳米光子学和纳米太阳能电池方向的成绩斐然,享誉全球。其科研成果多次发表在自然杂志及其子刊上。世界各知名媒体及评论均对该中心的成果作过专题报道。
中心Director贾宝华教授(https://www.swinburne.edu.au/sci ... e/index.php?id=bjia,并可参见本文末近年代表文章摘录)所在课题组长期招收有意出国深造的博士生,光学,物理专业优先。主要方向有:
(i) Laser nanomaterial interaction
(ii) Nanophotonics device fabrication and characterisation for all optical communications
(iii) 2D materials and graphene photonics
(iv) Near-field and 3D optical imaging
(v) Nanophotonics solar energy harvesting, storage and application
>生活费$27,000 AUD (tax-free,约合12.8万人民币) per year for three years plus fee waiver(免学费).
(http://www.research.swinburne.ed ... ents/scholarships/)
注:本中心与留学基金委长期保持良好的联系,竭诚欢迎感兴趣的国内在读博士生申请CSC(Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC, http://www.csc.edu.cn/ ))资助。学校可根据情况提供相应的额外资助及科研资助。.
(i) IELTS (Academic): Overall IELTS band no less than 6.5 and individual band no less than 6.0; or
(ii) TOEFL (IBT): Overall band 79, individual band no less than 18.
(i) Master/Bachelor degree in physics, optics, optoelectronics, physics chemistry, material science, solar cells, electronic engineering
(ii) Outstanding academic records in undergraduate and master study (GPA >= 86)
(iii) 211, 985 universities
1. A 90-nm-thick graphene metamaterial for strong and extremely broadband absorption of unpolarized light. Nature Photonics 13, 270–276, 2019.
2. Fundamental transport mechanisms and advancements of graphene oxide membranes for molecular separation. Chemistry of Materials 31 (6), 1829–1846, 2019.
3. Perovskites: Triggering the Passivation Effect of Potassium Doping in Mixed‐Cation Mixed‐Halide Perovskite by Light Illumination. Advanced Energy Materials 9 (24), 1970093, 2019.
4. The Dominant Energy Transport Pathway in Halide Perovskites: Photon Recycling or Carrier Diffusion? Advanced Energy Materials, 1900185, 2019.
5. Triggering the Passivation Effect of Potassium Doping in Mixed‐Cation Mixed‐Halide Perovskite by Light Illumination. Advanced Energy Materials, 1901016, 2019.
6. Highly efficient and ultra-broadband graphene oxide ultrathin lenses with three-dimensional subwavelength focusing. Nature communications 6, 8433, 2015.
7. In Situ Third‐Order Non‐linear Responses During Laser Reduction of Graphene Oxide Thin Films Towards On‐Chip Non‐linear Photonic Devices. Advanced Materials 26 (17), 2699-2703, 2014.