美国新墨西哥州立大学(NMSU) CS系招收Cybersecurity方向的全奖博士,本科或研究生为电子,计算机,软件或者相关方向的同学均可申请。打算申请2020春季或者秋季的同学可以考虑一下。
主要研究方向包括 Cyber-physical Security, Network Security, Wireless Security (e.g. IoT and 5G network),以及Machine Learning相关的的安全问题。欢迎对这些方向感兴趣的同学申请。
对于有志于科研和出国深造的同学,即使英语toefl/gre分数不是很高, 但是如果有比较match的研究方向与背景,也能够保证录取。
有意申请的同学请联系Dr. Tao Wang
邮箱:taow@nmsu.edu (请将简历和成绩单一并发送)
Ph.D. Student Recruitment: Multiple PhD openings are available in my group. Student from CS/EE or related majors with one of the following expertises/interests are welcome to apply: (I) computer system/network security, (II) cyber-physical system or IoT design/analysis, (III) wireless communications or signal processing, (IV) adversarial machine learning. Please feel free to email me your CV and transcripts if you are interested.