

 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-8 09:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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One American investigation into the potential for storing CO2 on agricultural lands is taking place in California

Soil scientist Whendee Silver of the University of California, Berkeley,
is conducting a first-of-its-kind study on large cattle farm in the state.
She and her students are testing the effects on carbon storage of the compost that is created from waste
both agricultural, including manure and cornstalks, and waste produced in gardens, such as leaves, branches, and lawn trimmings.
In Australia, soil ecologist Christine Jones is testing another promising soil-enrichment strategy.
Jones and 12 farmers are working to build up soil carbon by cultivating grasses that stay green all year round.
Like composting, the approach has already been proved experimentally;
Jones now hopes to show that it can be applied on working farms and that the result in carbon capture can be accurately measured.
It's hoped in the future that projects such as these
will demonstrate the role that farmers and other land managers can play in reducing the harmful effects of greenhouse gases.
For example, in countries like the United States, where most farming operations use large applications of fertiliser,
changing such long-standing habits will require a change of system.
Rattan Lal argues that farmers should receive payment not just for the corn or beef they produce
but also for the carbon they can store in their soil.
Another study being carried out...

来自伯克利市加州大学的土壤学家Whendee Silver,
在澳大利亚,土壤生态学家Christine Jones正在测试另一种可能的土壤增肥策略。
Rattan Lal认为农民应该不仅从他们生产的玉米和牛肉中获利,

2.阅读包 案:


3.写作包 答案:
Celebrities'Words on Weibo
At present, celebrities'Weibo posts have become an important source of releasing information and creating public opinions. Various media are also keen on disseminating opinions expressed by celebrities on their Weibo posts, collaborating to make them become hot issues. As celebrities and public figures have numerous fans and a greater right of say, they should be more obligated than ordinary people to take more responsibilities for the society. When making their remarks on Weibo, celebrities should take a responsible attitude and exercise their freedom of speech with caution

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