

 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-13 13:44:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



1. Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks,cinemas etc.) that influences your city
You should say:Where this facility isWhen it was builtWhatpeople can do thereWhat influence this facility has
PART 3What measures should be taken to deal with damage onpublic facilities? What are the differences between old facilities and newfacilities?What facilities do young people and old people like in yourcountry?What's the difference between facilities in the countryside and theones in the cities?

2. Describe a time when you received money as apresent
You should say:Who gave itWhen you received it What youdid with it How you felt about it
PART 3  In your country, do parents givechildren money for doing housework? Is it important for children to have aright attitude towards money? What do you think of the saying love of money isthe root of all evil?Is it important to teach children how to manage theirpocket money? What kinds of occasions require people to send money asgifts?

发表于 2019-5-14 17:43:30 | 显示全部楼层
首先,发音还是可以的,大部分的单词还是比较清晰的发音,但在个别音上有些问题,money这个有点后鼻音出来了,注意不要有后鼻音。听完,感觉最大的问题还是在语法上的错误。首先是时态混乱,穿插着来用。再讲外婆因为你高考成功给你钱的例子时应该全部都要用过去式,在这个过程中,过去式有时候和一般现在时混着用,所以要特别注意时态的统一。另一个语法的错误就是词性的混用,名词当动词用,动词当名词用,感觉是想到一个词就说出来,没有遵循语法规则,最明显就是when I entered the university说成when I entry the university. 另外,很多语法错误点the rest money 少了of; be grateful for my granma give me the money, make my life comfortable. 这一句话就应该是i am grateful for my xx for giving me the money and making my life comfortable. 所以扣分点还是很多的。 目前, 我给你的建议是去听自己的录音,然后写下来,发现自己的语法错误,然后改正,先学着把句型说对,符合语法规则。现在感觉就是你想到用一个句型,但是不知道怎么用。可能是你背了单词,知道意思,想去表达出来,但是用错了。
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