

发表于 2015-4-1 17:42:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






  (2) 1-6题都要要限时练习并反复录音,直至背诵流利连贯。



Task1: (前五绝对重点,请大家重视。)

1.    Choose one of your favorite methods torelax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specificdetails in your explanation.
2.    Describe a skill you are good at, forexample,painting or a kind of sport, and explain why it is importantto you. Please include specific examples and details in yourexplanation.
3.    A school is planning to organize itstudents to visit the workplace.Which place do you recommend thestudents to visit? 1.A science lab 2.A business office            3.A TV studio
4.    Describe the steps, through which youonce learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Pleaseinclude details and examples in your response.
5.    It is generally agreed that societybenefits from the work of its members. Which type of contribution doyou think is most valued by your society: that of primary schoolteachers,artists or nurses? Why?
6.    Your friend has suddenly received a lotof money. What do you think is the best way for your friend to spendthis money? Include reasons and details to support your response.
7.    what do you think we should do todecrease the usage of car or other vehicle and solve the traffic problems?
8.    Choose ONE of the forms of thetechnology in the list and tells why it changes (has had great impact) people'slives in your country?a) The airplane b)The computer c)TheTelevision
9.    Compare the differences between two singersyou like. Include specific reasons and details in yourexplanation.
10. What do you think is the mostsignificant benefit that internet brings to our life? Explain why you think thisbenefit is import. Include reasons and details to support yourresponse.
Task2: (前五绝对重点,请大家重视。)

1、Some people like toplan their free time. Other people spend their free time without any plan. Which do youprefer.
2、If you were given anempty pieces of land, would you rather using it to build a garden or a playground for children?
3、Do you agree ordisagree with the statement? Teachers should make their lessons fun.
4、Some students preferto go to universities or colleges in their own cities or towns. Others prefer to go touniversities or colleges in new cities or towns. Which do you preferand why? Include details and examples in your explanation.
5、Some students preferto work on their course paper one or two days before its due date. Others like towork on the paper bit by bit every
day. Which do you prefer and why?
6、Instead of alwaysbeing busy, one should have a relaxed life style. Do you agree or disagree with the abovestatement? Why or why not? Use
specific reasons and examples tosupport your answer.
7、Some people prefer tolive in a place most of their life. Other people prefer to move to different places.Which do you prefer and why? Use
specific reasons and examples tosupport your response.
8、Which do you think ismore important for someone to be successful:taking risks or making safe decisions?
9、Some people prefer tovisit only one place during their vacations,others prefer to visit lots ofplaces, which one do you prefer and why?
10、Do people nowadayslead a healthier lifestyle than people 100 years ago?


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