Part 1 1. Books What kinds of booksdo you like to read? Are you reading any books at the moment? 2. Colors What's your favoritecolor? Are there any colors you dislike? Are colors important to you? Is colorvery important to you when you're buying clothes? Do you prefer light or darkcolored clothes? What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?Do you think different types of people like different colors? 3. Personal Present Situation Are you a student ordo you have a job? Study What kind ofschool do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is yourmajor? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subjectvery challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have adifficulty with your studies? Why did you choose your major? What's moreimportant when studying - the student or teacher? 4. Name What is your name?How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance? 5. living place/house/apartment Do you live in ahouse or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture orappliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want tomake a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future?Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move toanother house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhoodwhere you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What areyour neighbors like? Part1 部分共20题,如有需要请查看培君完整版 Part2 1.Part 2 Describe an interesting conversation/Describe a conversation with astranger you had. Part 3 What are the most frequent topicsof conversation that people (in your country) talk about? Can you think of any situations when twostrangers might engage in a conversation? Compare (the differences) between thedifferent kinds of conversations that you have (or, a typical person has) withthe different (types of) people in your life. Is there much difference betweenmen and women when they have a conversation with other people of the samegender? 2. Describe a person you met/you want to meet, who is beautiful or handsome. 3. Describe a long journey you enjoyed. You should say where you went when and why you went there what landscapes you saw and explain why this was such anunforgettable trip. 4. Part 2 Describe an exciting sport youwould like to play Part 3 What are extreme sports? what doyou think of them? Should people take extreme sports? 5. Describe a traffic jam. You should say: when it happened where it happened how you passed the time while waiting and explain how you felt when you werein that traffic jam.. Part2 和part3部分一共20题,如有需要,请查看培君完整版