

 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-11 10:41:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. Describe a situation when others didn't tell you thewhole truth.
You should say:What situation it wasWho told you the lieWhat he/she told youAnd explain why he/she lied
Part 3• Does everyone telllies?•What lie did you tell in the past?• How did the person feel whenhe/she was telling the lie?• Is it necessary for teacher to instructchildren to be honest? • Should we teach children how to telllies?• Is honesty the most important characteristic? • Why dopeople lie sometimes?•How would you define white lies?• Some people saythat liars are those who have a good memory, what do you think?•Should friendsbe honest with each other all the time?• Do you think there are times whenit is suitable to tell a mall lie, a lie with good intentions
2. Describe a family business.
You should say:What this family business isHow you knowabout it
What products it sells Who the customer are And how youlike it
Part 3 • Whatindustries do family businesses in China tend to engage in?• Who willusually be the successor, the descendant of the current owner or hiring someoneelse?• Can family businesses run for a very long time?• Do familybusinesses offer similar benefits to their employees as other companiesdo?• What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to havea successful small business?• How can small businesses benefit the peoplein the community?• Why do some people open their own business?• Whatdo you need to start a business?• Do people in your country like to workin big companies or small companies?• How to be a successfulbusinessman in your country?

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