

 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-7 09:59:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. As a studentof university that has a long break between university semesters, theuniversity requires all students to do one of the following for one monthduring the break:
a.     Students must take a course on thesubject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, astudent majoring in engineering may take course in fine arts or socialscience.)
b.     Students must volunteer to work in theuniversity’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of thecity or their own town. (For example, students may help local primary schoolchildren with their homework.)
Which one do youthink is more beneficial for students in their university? Why?
Given detailedexamples and reasons. Use your OWN words, do NOT use memorized examples.

2. A city wantsto help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their
teaching. It isconsidering two plans:
a.     Choose a small group of excellentteachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additionaltraining in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to theirschools and provide that training for other teachers in school.
b.     Provide additional training in teachingeffectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher willstudy individually.

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