

发表于 2019-2-27 10:07:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. Describe asituation when you didn’t have enough time
You should say:When it wasWhere you were
Who you were withWhat you tried to do or finishAnd explain why you didn’thave time for it
Part 3• Do you think most people can manage their timewell?• Is time management important?• What are the effective ways tomanage time?• Do you think successful people have better time managementskills than others?

2. Describe asituation when others didn't tell you the whole truth.
You should say:What situation it wasWho told you the lie
What he/she told youAnd explain why he/she lied
Part 3• Does everyone tell lies?• What lie did youtell in the past?• How did the person feel when he/she was telling thelie?• Is it necessary for teacher to instruct children to behonest? • Should we teach children how to tell lies?• Is honestythe most important characteristic?

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