

发表于 2015-3-16 16:59:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Part 1
1.      Colors
What's your favorite color? Are there any colors youdislike? Are colors important to you? Is color very important to you whenyou're buying clothes? Do you prefer light or dark colored clothes? What colorwould you choose to paint the walls of your room? Do you think different typesof people like different colors?
2.  Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does yourname have any special meaning or significance?
3. Friend
Do you have a lot of friends? What does friendshipmean to you? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you prefer to bealone or to be with friends?

1.     Hometown  
Where are you from? What’s the most impressive/interesting part of yourhometown? Has your hometown changed in recent years?

2.     Food/cook
What kinds of foodare popular in your country? What is your favorite food ? What’s your favoritefood when you were a child? Can you cook? Do you like cooking? What are thebenefits of eating home-cooked food?
Part1 部分共20题,如有需要请查看培君完整版

1.Part 2 Describe an exciting sport youwould like to play
Part 3 What areextreme sports? what do you think of them? Should people take extreme sports?

2. Describe a project orhomework you did with others
You should say:
what the project or work was.
who was with you
how easy or difficult it was
and explain how you did this with other people.

3. Describe a friend whoyou think is a good leader.
You should say:
who this friend is
how you first met this person
what you and this friend do together
what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you think he/she is a good leader.

4. Describe a place full of colors
where it is
what you did in the place
why the place is full of  colors
5.Part 2Describe an ambition you don't achieve now
Part 3: AmbitionWhat is ambition? What differentambitions do you think people may have? What do you think of children havingambitions? Do parents in your country want their children to have ambitions? Isambition important? Are your friends ambitious? Is it always good to beambitious?
Part2 和part3部分一共20题,如有需要,请查看培君完整版

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