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发表于 2015-11-20 11:04:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

IELTS Video Script: Mohammed's Full Interview

Examiner: Hello, my name is Julia.

Mohammed: Hello

Examiner: Can you tell me your full name please?

Mohammed: Mohammed Abdul Mohammed

Examiner: Right … and should I call you Mohammed?

Mohammed: Sure.

Examiner: Right Mohammed. Can I see your ID Card please?

Mohammed: …. Here …. You go …

Examiner: Thank you very much.

Mohammed: Your welcome.

Examiner: For the first part of the test, I would like to ask you some questions about your country. Do you live in the city or the country?

Mohammed: I live in the city.

Examiner: …. All right…. And what are some good things about where you live.

Mohammed: Er … I live in a nice neighbourhood. … Very green … it’s er … not much people. It’s quiet and very laid back and I like it.

Examiner: OK. And with more people moving to the city, what has happened to the countryside where you are from?

Mohammed: I think there were result of less farming … less rural life.

And … most likely will decrease the production of crops. And er on the other hand, cities will be more crowded and that will cause … er … more pollution.

Examiner: OK. Now I’d like to talk about health. Is health important to you?

Mohammed: Yes. Definitely.

Examiner: Why?

Mohammed: Why because er … so I can live a long life … erm er … I hate feeling pain. Plus in addition to that I guess, if your healthy you will be more productive

Examiner: OK. And what is a major health concern in your country?

Mohammed: Er … I can state er heart disease, heart problems, the stress, diabetes, aids. On the other side, there is a lot of people, they don’t have health insurance and that … that’s a big concern.

Examiner: And what can be done about it?

Mohammed: Well I think if your … if people can avoid poor diets, start working out regularly, I mean exercise, in a regular way, and … and avoid stress as well, avoiding stress and plus I think the gove


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