纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校(State University of New York at Binghamton)简称宾汉姆顿大学(Binghamton University)或SUNY-Binghamton一所公立研究型大学、美国一级国家级大学被誉为“公立常春藤”Binghamton University被认为是美国的公立大学之一根据US News最新美国最佳大学排名纽约州立宾汉姆顿大学位列全美第73。宾汉姆顿大学CSRanking全美排名67, 去年成立了计算机学院 (School of Computing),并大力发展计算机科学方向的研究。
Binghamton University(宾汉姆顿大学)CS系Intelligent Vision and Sensing 实验室现有3-4个全奖博士生名额,于2025年秋季入学,同时招收research intern (可in-person可remote)。主要研究方向为计算机视觉和机器人。欢迎有计算机视觉/深度学习/机器人/自动驾驶等相关领域背景及较强编程能力的学生报名申请。
Dr. Guoyu Lu任Binghamton University计算机系副教授主要研究计算机视觉, 深度学习和机器人,尤其是3D视觉和机器视觉领域以及其在自动驾驶,机器人和增强现实领域的应用。Dr. Lu 于2021年拿到了USDA的new investigator award,并且于2023年拿到了国际神经网络协会(INNS)的Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award,和2024年NSF CAREER Award。实验室资金充足,收到了NSF, USDA,DoD等多个机构的资助。除多项美国政府资金外,Dr. Lu 的实验室与高通,通用,福特, 腾讯,等大公司有合作项目, 实验室学生能直接参与到项目中,与各个公司项目负责人有直接接触,能为将来入职其他高校或公司奠定较好基础。
个人主页: https://www.binghamton.edu/compu ... rofile.html?id=glu4
计划招收3-4名计算机(Computer Science)项目博士生于2025年秋季入学,并招收实习生,GRE可以Waive,并且接受多邻国。
1. 专业不限,有相关背景即可
2. 熟悉pytorch, tensorflow等toolbox工具
Intelligent Vision and Sensing Lab has 3-4 fully funded PhD positions,starting from 2025 Fall. The PhD position is mainly on computer vision. Students with background in one or more areas around computer vision/deep learning/robotics and strong programming skills are welcome to apply. Prof. Guoyu Lu's research topics are mainly in computer vision, robotics and deep learning, particularly on 3D vision and robot vision areas with their applications on autonomous driving and augmented reality. Meanwhile, collaborating with other professors, his group is exploring the applications of computer vision and deep learning in remote sensing, human vision, agriculture and other domains. He has been awarded as USA USDA New Investigator Award, Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award from the INNS, NSF CAREER Award, NSF CRII Award, Ford URP Award, and Tencent Young Faculty Award. In addition to US government funding, his lab has been widely supported by companies like Qualcomm, GM, Ford, Tencent, etc. Students involving in the projects will have direct interactions with those major companies researchers.
For students interested in the position, please send a resume to Prof. Guoyu Lu (guoyulu62@gmail.com or glu4@binghamton.edu).