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 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-29 15:29:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
University of Hull and Chinese Scholarship Council
Joint PhD Studentships (2024)
The University of Hull (UoH), UK is a long-standing partner of the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and is again offering full tuition fee scholarships for the selected students via the CSC PhD scholarship in 2024. In the School of Engineering, The UoH/CSC PhD Scholarships (~£17000/year tuition fee plus ~15000/year living cost for a duration of 4 years) are open to outstanding Chinese applicants (up to 15 posts) in the following priority research directions and areas supported by the UKRI, The Royal Society, the EU Horizon Programme, etc.
1. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (先近材料与制造技术)
Research areas:
• In situ and in operando studies as well as advanced numerical modelling and simulation of materials structure evolution in solidification, phase transformation and additive manufacturing processes. We are using the state-of-the-art electron, synchrotron X-ray, neutron and X-ray free electron laser-based imaging, tomography, diffraction and spectroscopic techniques to conduct world class cutting-edge materials research.
• Design and development of advanced structural and functional materials, e.g., metallic alloys, composites, metallic glasses, 2D functional materials and biomaterials, as well as advanced external physical fields (ultrasound and magnetic fields) material and external field enabled additive manufacturing technologies.
2. Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Technologies (再生能源与存储技术)
Research areas:
• Design and development of efficient and low-cost manufacturing technologies for hydrogen production and the manufacturing of the hydrogen storage materials, as well as reliable control of the hydrogen storage and release cycles.
• Offshore wind, wave, tidal energy and energy storage technologies, sustainable control of energy systems, reliable and faulty tolerant control in wind energy and wave energy generation.

English Requirement
IELTS above 6.5; no less than 6.0 in listening, reading, writing and speaking. IELTS is a mandatory requirement, please do not contact if you have not taken the IELTS.

Academic Requirement
First class Master or Undergraduate students (degree awarded or to be awarded before July 2024) in research intensive universities in China.

Deadline for Application: 31th Jan 2024

If you are interested in applying, please contact as soon as possible.

Professor Jiawei Mi

Director of Research
School of Engineering, University of Hull, UK

E-mail: j.mi@hull.ac.uk

Staff website https://www.hull.ac.uk/staff-directory/jiawei-mi

Group website
https://www.hull.ac.uk/work-with ... rials-and-acoustics

课题组学习氛围浓厚,实验室设备齐全,资金充足,十分鼓励和支持学生积极参加各类国际学术会议,每年都目标在Top-level journal如Acta Materialia上发表论文。
同时,课题组每年都会前往Diamond Light Source, UK, Advanced Photon Source, USA, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France, Swiss Light Source, Switzerland, European X-ray Free Electron Laser, Germany等世界一流的光源实验室交流学习,开展实验。

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