








Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2023-8-3 10:28:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
弗吉尼亚理工大学(virginia polytechnic institute and state university), 简称 virginia tech 或者vt,成立于1872年. 是一所世界知名的百年名校.她的2022全美综合排名第62, 公立学校排名第23. 王智武导师的实验室由生物实验室和污水处理实验室两部分组成. 生物实验室坐落在美国东海岸弗吉尼亚州的黑堡校区(主校区). 这里四季分明、风景优美、治安良好,人们亲切友善,曾经被评为全美最宜居小镇之一. 黑堡校区全美“最佳校园餐饮”排名第一。王教授的污水处理实验室则坐落于弗吉尼亚北部的大华府地区.毗邻美国首都华盛顿,杜勒斯国际机场.生活与交通及为方便. 教育和就业资源丰富.这里有全美排第一名的公立高中.

王智武导师的实验室需要招一名全奖研究生. 主要研究方向将围绕将短程反消化厌氧氨氧化技术用于养鱼污水处理系统. 这一科研项目由美国农业部资助. 可以应用于农业或民用污水处理厂的节能减排. 王教授实验室的研究成果和年报可以在实验室主页上查到:

有兴趣的同学请按照英文广告中的详细要求与王导师联系.写作能力强发表学术文章数量多的申请会被优先考虑. 非常感谢!

re: a graduate research assistantship for partial nitrification/denitrification anammox research in the department of biological systems engineering at virginia tech

position description
a ph.d. student will be supported by this united states department of agriculture (usda)-funded project to improve our knowledge and understanding of how a novel partial-nitrification/denitrification and anammox (panda) technology can be taken advantage for reducing environmental impacts of fish production by decreasing water demand, effluent pollutants, oxygen demand, greenhouse gas emissions, as well as operational costs.

the assistantship will cover stipends, tuition waiver, and insurance. the successful candidate will work in dr. zhiwu (drew) wang’s research group (https://www.wang.bse.vt.edu/). the vt-bse graduate program ranked as the #12 best biological/agricultural engineering program in the u.s. vt’s ranking in the 2022 edition of best colleges is national universities is #62.

candidate qualification
•        the successful candidate is expected to be creative, self-motivated, possess good research attitude, encompass dynamic problem-solving skills, and have a strong desire to solve real-world problems and collaborate in a multidisciplinary environment with both industrial and academic partners.
•        the candidate is expected to communicate research results through high quality peer-reviewed journal and deliver presentations at national/international professional meetings. specifically, the successful candidate
•        must have (or must earn prior to the application deadline) a bachelor’s or master’s degree in chemical engineering, biological systems engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, or a closely related field.
•        demonstrated excellent scientific writing and communication skills (e.g., peer-reviewed publications, competitions, etc.).
•        for international students, toefl score is required. for admission, we expect a minimum toefl score of 90 (ibt) or ielts score of 6.5 for admission. gre may be waived.

application procedure
if the program is of your interest, please email dr. zhiwu (drew) wang at wzw@vt.edu. a full application as a single pdf document package must include (1) a statement of research addressing how your background fit in the position description and candidate qualification described above (1-page limit), (2) an update cv with a full list of publications (if any), (3) all official transcripts, (4) toefl or ielts score(s) (for international candidates), and (4) three reference letters including names, emails, affiliations, and work phone numbers of the referees. the order of the documents in the combined pdf must be followed. incomplete applications will not be considered. please include “usda pdna graduate research assistantship” + “your name” as your email subject. review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. interested candidates should send an enquiry email only once. best fit potential candidates will receive the responses and video conference interviews will follow.
successful candidate will need to apply to the graduate school of virginia tech. the deadlines for admissions in fall 2023 are april 1 (international) and august 1 (domestic), and spring 2024 are september 1 (international) and january 1 (domestic). summer admission might be possible. please visit the website below for more details.


contact information
zhiwu (drew) wang, ph.d., p.e.
assistant professor
department of biological systems engineering, virginia tech
email: wzw@vt.edu


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