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 楼主| 发表于 2023-5-17 14:52:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新南威尔士大学 (UNSW) 招收2023年全奖计算机博士生 (软件工程/机器学习方向)



(1) 软件源代码和神经网络的验证
(2) 基于机器学习的软件安全分析
(3) 开源静态程序分析,提高软件安全性和可靠性
(4) 通过代码嵌入的程序分析
(5) 金融科技软件的符号执行和测试。

这位博士生将在A/Prof. Yulei Sui (http://yuleisui.github.io/) 的指导下学习。奖学金的津贴为每年35,000澳币(免税),持续3.5年,并且包含参加会议的旅行费用,合格的候选人也将免除学费。


- 在计算机科学或相关学科方向的学士或硕士学位,并且成绩优秀。
- 研究能力证明 - 例如荣誉论文、小论文、发表文章和在导师的指导下制定的完善的初步研究方案。
- 在C/C++、Java和Python中具有强大的编程技能。
- 软件工程、机器学习和编程技能的背景。
- 对我们的开源项目(https://github.com/svf-tools/svf)有良好的理解是加分项。


这些职位直到申请满为止。请将申请文件发送至A/Prof. Yulei Sui:y.sui@unsw.edu.au并抄送xiao.cheng@uts.edu.au。尤其欢迎已经在澳洲的同学申请。

Software engineering and machine learning PhD positions/scholarships available at University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia

UNSW is one of the founding members of Group of Eight and a top 50 world-leading university. In the 2022 QS World University Rankings, UNSW is ranked 44th in the world. UNSW Computer Science and Engineering is ranked 1st in Australia based on Times Subject Ranking 2021. UNSW is also ranked 1st in Australia for its Engineering & Technology Faculty according to ARWU and QS World University Rankings by Subject. UNSW is located in Sydney's beautiful eastern suburbs, just 12km from the Sydney CBD and 8km from Coogee Beach. Sydney is Australia's largest city, as well as one of the most livable cities in the world.

We have 1-2 PhD positions opening for outstanding candidates for 3.5 years. The ideal candidate will be based in School of Computer Science and Engineering to conduct her/his research in one of the following topics:

(1) Software verification for source code and neural networks
(1) Machine-learning based software security analysis,
(2) Open-source static program analysis to improve software security and reliability,
(3) Program analysis through code embedding
(4) Symbolic execution and testing for fintech software.

The PhD student will be supervised under A/Prof. Yulei Sui (http://yuleisui.github.io/). The stipend of the scholarship is $35,000 per annum (tax exempt) for 3.5 years, plus travel funds for attending conferences. The qualified candidate will also receive a tuition-fee waiver.

We are looking for self-motivated candidates who meet the following requirements:
* A bachelor's or master's degree in the area of Computer Science or related discipline with outstanding grades.
* Evidence of research ability - e.g. an honours thesis, a minor thesis, publication(s), and a well-developed preliminary research proposal, developed under the guidance of the supervisor;
* Strong programming skills in one of C/C++, Java and Python.
* Background in software engineering, machine learning and programming skills
* Understanding of our open-source project (https://github.com/svf-tools/svf) is a plus.


Detailed application steps can be found at https://research.unsw.edu.au/how-apply

To apply for the scholarships, you must complete an application consisting of:
* A brief (2-4 pages) research proposal outlining your interest and suitability for the project;
* A detailed curriculum vitae with publications (if applicable);
* Undergraduate and/or master transcripts;
* All applicants, domestic and international, must meet the English Language entry requirements (https://www.unsw.edu.au/study/ho ... entry-requirements) to be considered for unconditional admission and the scholarship.
* Recommendation letters from at least two referees.

If you are from China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Chile, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, you may also wish to apply for the joint program supported by your home country scholarships. Please refer to https://research.unsw.edu.au/uns ... joint-scholarships.

The positions are open until filled. Please submit the application documents to A/Prof. Yulei Sui: y.sui@unsw.edu.au and cc Xiao Cheng: xiao.cheng@uts.edu.au. Welcome applicants who are already in australia.

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