阿姆斯特丹生物信息学研究组招收2-3名国家公派博士研究生,2023年入学。详情请参考组网页https://www.vubioinformatics.com/。 若有兴趣者请联系 Dr. Halima Mouhib (h.mouhib@vu.nl)
We are looking to host PhD students who are interested to perform high-level research in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands (VU Bioinformatics group, https://www.vubioinformatics.com/). We use computational tools, such as artificial intelligence (data science), molecular dynamics, and pathway and network analysis to explore molecular mechanisms in cancer and olfactory research. The proposed subjects will be of particular interest for (but not only for) bioinformatics, computational chemistry, chemical engineering and computer science students. If you are eligible to apply for a CSC fellowship, please contact Dr. Halima Mouhib to discuss possible projects ( h.mouhib@vu.nl ).