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 楼主| 发表于 2023-1-4 15:09:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
华盛顿州立大学机械与材料工程系 邱开颜教授 招收2023春季/秋季入学 智能3D打印/人造器官/软机器人方向 1-2名博士生

华盛顿州大学机械与材料工程系 邱开颜教授组 正在招收智能3D打印和相关人造器官/软机器人方向 2023年春季/秋季 入学的多名博士生 并提供全额奖学金。同时也非常欢迎访问优秀学者和访问学生加入。


感兴趣的学生可以直接发邮件联系邱教授(kaiyan.qiu@wsu.edu)。请附上个人详细简历,GPA成绩,TOFEL成绩,GRE成绩, 以及3位推荐人的联系方式。

邱开颜教授目前是华盛顿州立大学机械与材料工程系Berry Family冠名助理教授。邱教授博士毕业于美国康奈尔大学, 并先后在达特茅斯学院,普林斯顿大学,和明尼苏达大学从事博士后研究。他的研究兴趣领域包括功能3D打印,人造器官,柔性电子,软机器人,仿生装置, 以及相关的材料开发,装置设计,和生物医学应用,成果已发表在Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Circulation Research, Advanced Materials Technologies等高影响期刊上。更多信息可以参考邱教授课题组的网站 (https://www.kaiyanqiu.com/)

华盛顿州立大学,位于美国西岸,美国公立大学里科研排名前35的国家级研究型大学。华盛顿州立大学创办于1890年,是著名的PAC-12联盟成员,也是美国西海岸历史最为悠久的land-grant 大学之一。2017年,华盛顿州立大学的科研经费总额在全美所有高校和科研机构中位列第66位,属于R1研究大学.目前,华盛顿州立大学包含11个学院和6个校区,并拥有自己的医学院, 同时与附近的美国西北太平洋国家实验室和爱达荷大学存在着广泛的合作关系。华盛顿州立大学机械与材料工程系, 是美国太平洋西北地区最大的工程系之一,目前拥有大约45位教授, 1000名本科生,以及130名以上的博士生和60名以上的硕士生,同时研究生和博士后研究人员的规模不断扩大。机械与材料工程系目前校外科研经费使用也在快速增长,已经接近每年1000万美元。

Ph.D. Positions in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Washington State University in the area of Smart 3D Printing /Artificial Organs/Soft Robots

Dr. Kaiyan Qiu’s group in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) at Washington State University (WSU) has multiple fully funded Ph.D. positions. Research in the group focuses on 3D printing, artificial organs, flexible electronics, soft robots, and biomimetic devices. Selected candidates are expected to start in the Spring/Fall of 2023. Visiting students/scholars are also welcome.

Students with Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and closely related fields, are encouraged to apply. Self-motivated candidates with a strong foundation are particularly welcome. The ability to work collaboratively and interdisciplinary with strong written and communication skills is highly desired. Research and publication experience in 3D printing, artificial organs, flexible electronics, soft robots, and biomimetic devices are preferred.

How to Apply
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Qiu (kaiyan.qiu@wsu.edu) directly with anticipated start date and your detailed CV, including GPA, GRE score, TOFEL score (if applicable), the contact information of three references, and a full list of publication (if applicable). Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

About Dr. Qiu
Dr. Kaiyan Qiu is currently a tenure-track Berry Family Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in MME at WSU. Dr. Qiu received his Ph.D. in Fiber Science with Polymers and Biological Engineering Concentrations from Cornell University. He also obtained the postdoc training in Mechanical Engineering at Dartmouth College, Princeton University, and University of Minnesota. With his expertise in 3D printing, functional materials, electronics, and biotechnologies, Dr. Qiu's research interests focus on designing and manufacturing artificial organs for surgical rehearsal and device evaluations, flexible electronics and biosensors for motion monitoring and disease detection, and soft robots and biomimetic devices for enhanced locomotion performance. Dr. Qiu’s highly interdisciplinary research work has been published in numerous high‐impact journals, including Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Circulation Research, Advanced Materials Technologies, etc. More information about his research can be found in https://www.kaiyanqiu.com/.

About WSU & MME
Washington State University (WSU), located in Pullman, WA, is one of the nation’s top 35 public research universities in both Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering. Founded in 1890, WSU is one of the oldest land-grant universities in the American West. WSU was ranked 66 among all US institutions for total R&D expenditure in 2017. It is also among highly selective universities in US recognized with the “very high research activity” (R1) categorization. WSU has 11 colleges and 6 campus, including newly established College of Medicine. Close collaborations exist with the nearby Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the University of Idaho. The School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) currently has about 45 instructional faculty members, 1000 undergraduate students, over 130 PhD students and 60 MS students. The current annual extramural research expenditure in MME is close to 10 million.

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