实验室官网: http://cmdl.missouri.edu/
美国密苏里大学结构材料与动力学实验室秉承科研服务社会重大需求的宗旨,旨在促进固体力学和结构材料的发展和应用。研究领域涉及结构动力学、波动调控、细观力学、拓扑力学、智能材料和多功能材料的动态行为等方面。相关成果已发表于Nature Reviews Materials、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、PNAS、Physical Review Letters、Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids等国际著名期刊。
实验室毕业学生已获得世界各地著名大学和公司的职位,其中包括University of Missouri, Columbia (USA), Google (USA), Schlumberger (USA), Toyota North America (USA), Ford Motor Company (USA), 香港科技大学, 北京理工大学, 大连理工大学, 宁波大学等。
1. 负责主动和自我意识超材料的建模和表征,以推进其在主动弹性、多功能传感器和生物医学等方面的应用。
2. 研究具有拓扑零模态的结构超材料,探索其在抗冲击保护和反常波传导等方面的应用。
3. 参与主动超材料的多物理场建模和控制理论,以及拓扑超材料/超表面对弹性波/声波调控等领域的前沿研究。
4. 研究可重构声学超材料在减振和降噪等方面的应用。
5. 基于机器学习的超材料设计和波动调控。
1. 结构动力学、声波/弹性波超材料,电路设计等相关领域毕业的硕士生和博士生。
2. 在以下领域受过良好训练:固体力学、压电材料、主动控制和多尺度建模等。
3. 熟练使用有限元软件:COMSOL、ANSYS等。
4. 具有良好论文发表记录和出色实验设计能力的申请人将被优先考虑。
如果您有兴趣加入,请将您的申请材料发送给Prof. Guoliang Huang (huangg@missouri.edu)
1. 个人简历(包含学习经历、工作简历、发表论文、参与项目等内容);
2. 代表性论著或论文以及其他可以证明本人研究能力及水平的相关资料;
3. 阐明自己研究兴趣的求职信(Cover Letter);
4. 三名推荐人的姓名和联系方式。
About Prof. Huang
Guoliang Huang is a Huber and Hellen Croft Chair Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. Dr. Huang works in the broad area of solid mechanics and architected materials—in particular the new frontiers of structural dynamics, topological mechanics, wave propagation and dynamical behaviors of composite materials, both man-made and formed naturally. His recent research has been focusing on addressing challenges in development of passive and active metamaterials for wave propagation and noise control, mechanical topological insulator, vibration and sound mitigation, flow/structure interaction, aerodynamics, structural health monitoring, energy harvesting and bio-sensing, among others. He is a renowned scholar in the emerging field of elastic and acoustic metamaterials and metacomposites. His work has pioneered a new class of active metamaterials with sensing, actuation and information processing and response and space-time modulated metamaterials for mechanical nonreciprocity.
Huang has published more than 150 first class international journal papers in those fields, along with one book and four chapters in other books. He serves as associate editor of Wave Motion and specialty chief editor in the Physical Acoustics and Ultrasonics section of Frontiers in Physics.