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 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-9 17:11:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英国赫尔大学Jiangbo (Tim) Zhao 课题组招收CSC工程专业博士研究生

In the School of Engineering (ranked top 35 across the UK in 2023), the University of Hull/CSC PhD Scholarships (~£15000/year tuition fee plus ~14000/year living cost for a duration of 4 years) are open to outstanding Chinese applicants.

Advanced Nanoengineered Materials and Additive Manufacturing Technologies

This PhD project is to look at harnessing specialized nanoparticles in glass using the state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, for both fundamental interests and technological applications. This project has been patented and is mutually interacting with industrial partners (including global and local manufacturer and one top-3 smartphone company) for commercialization. This project lies in the priority research directions and areas supported by the UKRI, The Royal Society, the EU Horizon Programme, etc. at the University.

As the world reputed group in materials science and engineering, we are seeking highly motivated graduates (from physics, chemistry, materials and engineering) to commence their PhD studies in theoretical or experimental studies or both. With us, you will have chances to:
•        Participate in an emerging materials-based technology for real impacts in life
•        Collaborate with researchers in top institutes (such as University of Oxford, UK; UCL, UK; University of Adelaide, Australia; University of Jena, Germany) and in world leading national laboratories
•        Regularly attend workshops around the world to enrich or sharpen your portfolio of hard and soft skills
•        Regularly conduct in situ and in operando studies of materials of concern using synchrotron X-ray and neutron-based imaging, tomography, diffraction and spectroscopic techniques (e.g., in UK, US, Germany, Switzerland, etc.)
•        Access millions of pounds 3D Printing machine in house, Hull's supercomputer and bespoke devices accommodating additional advanced external physical fields (e.g., ultrasound and magnetic fields) for materials manufacturing
•        Publish high-quality and high-impact papers (in the past 5 years, all of our publications appear in Q1 journals)
•        Secure positions at internationally recognized sectors (all of our graduates with high-distinction in thesis and holding positions in top academic or industrial institutes)

English Requirement *
In general, IELTS above 6.5; no less than 6.0 in listening, reading, writing and speaking.
* At the application stage the IELTS score could be a bit lower, say an overall score of 6.0, or use some kinds of English language certificate (other eligible English exam) to compete for the CSC part.

Deadline for Application: 10 Feb 2023

Contact: Dr Jiangbo (Tim) Zhao

E-mail address: Jiangbo.Zhao@hull.ac.uk

Staff website https://www.hull.ac.uk/staff-directory/jiangbo-zhao
Group website https://www.hull.ac.uk/work-with ... rials-and-acoustics


课题组学习氛围浓厚,实验室设备齐全,资金充足,十分鼓励和支持学生积极参加各类国际学术会议,同时每年都会前往Diamond Light Source, UK, Advanced Photon Source, USA, Swiss Light Source, Switzerland等世界一流光源实验室交流学习和开展实验。
感兴趣的同学可以直接发邮件给Dr. Zhao。

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