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 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-26 14:40:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美国耶鲁大学环境学院 Yuan Yao 教授招收博士,2023秋季入学, 提供全额奖学金.

Dr. Yuan Yao 是美国国家自然科学基金杰出青年奖(NSF CAREER) 获得者,并与美国工业界和国家实验室有大量合作项目, 研究发表在 science, nature sustainability, environmental science and technology, renewable and sustainable energy reviews 等高影响刊物上。

导师及课题组网站 https://yao.research.yale.edu/

研究方向: 评估生物材料制造过程的能耗和排放,利用化工流程模拟与优化达到工业流程的节能减排和可持续发展.

We are looking for a self-motivated graduate student who is interested in the sustainable utilization of biomass for energy, chemicals, and advanced materials. The student will be developing state-of-the-art analysis tools for quantifying the environmental impacts of biomass-based materials and emerging technologies, optimizing existing and future industrial systems, and identifying feasible pathways to a sustainable bioeconomy. We use transdisciplinary approaches in industrial ecology and green engineering. Students will have opportunities to learn those exciting tools and participate in high-impact projects. Example projects include sustainable biochar sponsored by the national science foundation, nature-based carbon capture projects funded by Yale, and sustainable aviation fuel projects supported by private companies.  

The successful applicants should have relevant backgrounds in chemical engineering, environmental engineering, or other engineering fields. Applicants should hold a BS and master’s degree or a BS with research experience. candidates with high-quality peer-reviewed journal publications are preferred. Good speaking and written English are required. GRE is preferred for all applicants. Previous experience and/or documented knowledge in one or more of the following areas are highly recommended to apply:

•        Life cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis
•        Mathematical programming and data analytics (e.g., matlab, R, python, Gams)
•        Process modeling and simulation (e.g., Aspen plus or similar software)

More information are available on the research page of the group (https://yao.research.yale.edu/). If you are interested in the position, please contact Dr. Yao (y.yao@yale.edu) and provide a cv, transcripts, and a 1-2 page statement of your research interests and past experiences relevant to this position.

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