








Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-24 14:05:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
弗吉尼亚理工大学土木与环境工程系廖静秋课题组 (The Liao Environmental and Public Health Microbiology Lab; http://leaph-lab.github.io)招收一名博士生研究自然与食品相关环境中细菌病原体的生态和进化 (2023年秋季入学)。
      弗吉尼亚理工大学土木与环境工程系被US News & World Report列为全美第七名。廖静秋课题组位于美国弗吉尼亚黑堡,蓝岭山脉环绕,四季分明,环境优美,生活安全。
- 对环境/食品微生物极其感兴趣,拥有良好的工作和学习态度
- 曾在以下或相关领域之一获得学士或者硕士学位:微生物学、环境科学或工程、计算生物学、生物信息学等
- 有微生物培养和分子生物实验的经验
- 对大数据分析感兴趣;有统计学和编程相关技能者优先
- 全额奖学金,包括学费、生活费、保险以及学术差旅费
- 培养跨微生物、环境科学和工程、食品以及生态进化生物学等多学科的科研技能、数据分析和可视化技能和科学写作和交流等技能
- 个人职业发展指导规划,帮助学生实现职业目标
- 融洽的、相互合作促进的科研环境
        感兴趣的学生请邮件联系廖老师(liaoj@vt.edu),并附上 1)自我推荐信(1页)阐述背景、研究经历和兴趣、技能以及职业目标; 2) 简历; 3) 成绩单 (非官方); 4)科学写作样本(例如,以第一作者发表的文章,正在准备中的文章,论文,项目报告);5)三名推荐人的联系方式。我们会联系符合条件者进行面试,并要求具有竞争力的候选人通过学校研究生院提交正式申请。所有的申请人需要满足弗吉尼亚理工大学研究生入学要求。材料审核立刻开始,直到招收到合适的人选。

Ph.D. Research Assistantship at Virginia Tech (Fall 2023)

The Liao Environmental and Public Health Microbiology (LEAPH) Lab led by Dr. Jingqiu Liao in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Virginia Tech (VT) is recruiting a Ph.D. student to study the ecology and evolution of bacterial pathogens in natural and food-associated environments.
VT-CEE graduate program was ranked No. 7 nationally in the latest U.S. World News & Report. The LEAPH Lab is based in Blacksburg, VA, a peaceful and safe place where you get to enjoy the color of all four seasons and the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
What do we expect from you?
- Strongly interested in environmental/food microbiology with a strong work ethic
- A bachelor’s or master’s degree in fields including but not limited to microbiology, environmental science or engineering, computational biology, bioinformatics, etc.
- Experience in microbial cultivation and molecular biology experiments
- Enjoy big data analysis; statistical and programming skills are preferred
What can we offer?
- Fully cover tuition, stipend, eligible insurance/fees, and professional travel expenses
- Build interdisciplinary skillset in microbiology, environmental science & engineering, food safety, ecology & evolutionary biology, data analysis and visualization, and scientific writing and communications.  
- Personal development and mentorship plan that boosts your career goals
- Collegial and collaborative environment
How to apply?
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Liao (liaoj@vt.edu) to discuss opportunities. Please send a single pdf file including 1) a one-page cover letter that highlights your background, research expertise and interests, skills, and career goals; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) unofficial transcripts; 4) sample of scientific writing (e.g., published manuscript as the first author, a manuscript in preparation, thesis, project report); and 5) contact information for 3 references. Formal applications through the graduate school system will be requested from strong candidates. All applicants must satisfy VT graduate program admission requirements. Application consideration will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.


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