◦ Asst Prof Kwan W. Tan's group is seeking for PhD candidates with FULL scholarship for the Spring 2023 semester intake. His group works in the areas of materials science, materials chemistry, polymer chemistry. Interested candidates please email to kwtan@ntu.edu.sg.
◦ Applicants from universities in China must have an average grade of 80 or above for the relevant Bachelor's degree.
◦ GRE requirements (validity of 5 years from date of application):
每个类别的最低 GRE 语言推​​理测量 (V) 和定量推理测量 (Q) 分数必须等于或超过 149。强烈鼓励GRE总分(V+Q)等于或超过319的申请人申请。
◦ 托福要求(自申请之日起有效期为 2 年):
纸笔考试 600 分,机考
250 分,网考
100 分
◦ 雅思要求(有效期为 2自申请之日起年):