丹麦Aarhus university招电子和计算机工程方向岗位制博士生一名
研究方向 (包括但不限于):研究方向为机器学习辅助感知,有一定的弹性。
截止日期: 2022年8月1日
Relevant Master's degree (e.g., Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Science), although exceptional candidates from related disciplines (e.g., Applied Mathematics) will also be considered.
Background on signal processing, machine learning, information theory, or communication systems is highly desired, but candidates from other disciplines will be considered based on their merits and potential.
Background in mathematics and statistics is desired.
Strong background in programming, particularly C++ or python, is required.
The PhD position is fully funded with the salary info below:
• Newly graduated MSc student:
o Total monthly salary excluding pension: 27871 kr, i.e. yearly 334452 kr.
o Total monthly salary including pension 32400 kr, i.e., yearly 388800 kr.
• MSc Student with a few years of working experience:
o Total monthly salary excluding pension: 29632 kr, i.e. yearly 355584 kr.
o Total monthly salary including pension 34465 kr, i.e. yearly 413480 kr.
欢迎符合要求同学请将简历以pdf格式发送到导师邮箱hvc@ece.au.dk, 有任何问题也可以直接通过邮件与导师本人沟通。
职位详情: https://phd.tech.au.dk/for-appli ... less-sensing-rising