帮博士导师发个帖子,老师学术水平非常高,人非常非常好,指导学生认真负责, 课题靠谱。最近毕业的学生里面很多都直接找到了教职,也有两人分别获得了Marie curie Postdoctoral Fellowship和日本JSPS Fellowship等有竞争力的博后基金。澳洲边境现已开放。同时也非常欢迎人在澳洲的同学联系报考Jan Seidel教授。
新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales,UNSW)Jan Seidel教授课题组常年招收博士生,欢迎有材料,物理,化学,机械背景的同学咨询了解。课题组主要利用扫描探针显微技术(SPM)研究各类先进功能材料,包括钙钛矿太阳能电池,范德华层状材料,过渡金属硫化物,铁电多铁功能氧化物材料及其界面和拓扑结构(畴壁,斯格明子,涡旋)在纳米尺度上的电学,光学和磁学性质。欢迎访问课题组网站了解更多信息(http://spm.materials.unsw.edu.au/),有意者可以联系Jan Seidel教授(jan.seidel@unsw.edu.au)(请附英文简历)。
1. "Scaling, rotation, and channeling behavior of helical and skyrmion spin textures in thin films of te-doped cu2oseo3." Science Advances 6.13 (2020): eaax2138.
2. "Superior polarization retention through engineered domain wall pinning." Nature Communications 11.1 (2020): 1-8.
3. "A room-temperature ferroelectric semimetal." Science Advances 5.7 (2019): eaax5080.
4. "Light-and bias-induced structural variations in metal halide perovskites." nature communications 10.1 (2019): 1-9.
5. "Nonvolatile ferroelectric domain wall memory." Science Advances 3.6 (2017): e1700512.
新南威尔士大学 (The University of New South Wales,UNSW)成立于1949年,主校区位于新南威尔士州首府悉尼。UNSW是澳大利亚八大名校成员 (group of eight), 并在世界大学排名中名列前茅。学校在2021年QS世界大学排名中排名第44位,US News世界大学排名第51位, 泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第67位, CRWU世界大学排名第74位,2021年QS学科排名中UNSW材料专业排在第39位。
PhD student positions in advanced scanning probe microscopy of functional materials in the group of prof. Jan Seidel at UNSW Sydney
Our group currently has openings for PhD students. We employ a wide range of experimental techniques including advanced scanning probe microscopy (SPM) to study the properties of functional materials including ferroelectrics and multiferroics (BiFeO3, BaTiO3, PbTiO3, Pb(Zr,Ti)O3), ferromagnetic materials (Fe1−xCoxSi, Cu2OSeO3), transition metal dichalcogenide (WTe2), halide perovskites (MAPbX3), van der Waals materials (In2Se3, CuInP2S6) and other advanced materials. Current active research topics and more details can be found on our research group website: http://spm.materials.unsw.edu.au.
We are seeking highly motivated postgraduate students with research interest in synthesis and characterization of functional materials broadly. Students with degrees in materials science, physics, chemistry, mechanics, and engineering are encouraged to apply.
Please email prof. seidel with your cv to discuss in further detail about how to apply.