

发表于 2015-6-2 09:45:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

今日topic:A successful foreign person

在这世界上有许许多多成功人士,因为我本身是一名足球迷,所以今天我想介绍一名优秀的足球运动员,大卫贝克汉姆(David Beckham)。很多人知道他,其实不仅仅因为他精湛的球技,也因为他帅气的外表,特别是很多女生,都把他当做一位超级巨星。但对我来说,这并不是我崇拜他的主要原因,我钦佩他,更多地是源于他永不放弃的精神和刻苦训练的品质。



 楼主| 发表于 2015-6-3 13:22:37 | 显示全部楼层
There are many successful people in the world. Since I’m a football fan, I’d like to talk about David Beckham, a successful football player. A lot of people know him not because he’s an excellent football player but because of his good looking. Especially a lot of women, they regard him as a big sport star. But that’s not the reason I admire him. I think he’s a successful man because he works hard and never gives up.

As a young player, he was blamed for his mistake that caused the failure of his national team in the 1998 world cup. A lot of people laughed at him, but he was not defeated and tried harder than before. In 2001, his score helped his national team to win the game against Greece, which enabled them to enter world cup in the next year. He became a national hero overnight.

I learned a lot from him. Sometimes, we might fail once or several times but it doesn’t mean we will never succeed. It’s always good to keep trying. I believe hard work will eventually make a big difference.
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