1. 托福中级听写包答案:
You know how fast campus jobs fill up, if you’d come in earlier, you could probably have gotten the library job again.
I mean, since you have the experience from last year, you don’t need the training and all, but it’s been filled now.
Yeah, I know. But I planned to get a job working at a restaurant off campus this year.
I really need to make more money than I did last year, and working as a waiter, there’s always the tips.
But I’ve tried a ton of places and I haven’t found anything, I know it’s really late, but, well,
um, I was wondering if maybe there was some job that hadn’t been taken or maybe someone started a job, and you know, had to drop it or something.
Well, I doubt you’ll find anything.
Well, could you, could you possibly check? I know it’s a long shot, but my friend Susanne,
she takes photography classes in Harrison Hall and...um...she sort of thought there might be an opening in the janitorial staff.
一个世纪前,弗洛伊德阐述了他革命性的理论,即梦是我们无意识的欲望和恐惧经伪装后的虚幻事物;到了 20世纪70年代末期,神经专家们转而认为梦是“精神噪音”,即在睡眠中进行神经修复活动的一种随机的副产品。
中译英1: The sailors were worried that they might encounter bad weather during the voyage.
China's growth of energy consumption has been positive for its population.It has now provided electrictiy to an estimated 98 percent of households,unlike India or Africa.India has not met its energy growth targets even in the absence of carbon constraints—can we realistically expect it to moderate due to global concerns when it wll say it is not the prime pulluter?