And the other islands were the father away from the plume they are now. The older they are, the longer ago their volcanoes went dormant or extinct. Incidentally, volcanic islands may seem small, but the Island known as the biggest island in Hawaii, is one of the tallest topographic feature on the planet, more than 5 kilometers from the sea floor to the ocean surface. And almost that much again, up with highest peak, that’s nearly ten kilometers from ocean floor to the highest point on the island, which makes it taller even than Mount Everest. So you can imagine the huge amounts of magma, or larva, that have floated up to form even just this one island much less the whole chain of the islands. Know the plume hypothesis provides a pretty elegant explanation for a volcanic anomaly like the Hawaii islands. But, while it’s hypothetically attractive, there’s very little direct evidence to support the theory because so far, no one‘s been able to actually observe what’s happening that far beneath the earth crust.
Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs(状), bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power(主), all would pool (谓)resources(宾), work with(谓) Ottawa(宾), and create(谓) a national institution(宾).
中译英1:Research reveals that people are paying increasing attention to the quality of their lives.
中译英2:Instead of a study material of pessimistic philosophy, it is the very fact of Europe’s economic prospect perceived by people like demographers, property developers and advertisers. Lean-Claude, a French sociologist, deemed that, the transition from household living pattern to bachelor living pattern is one of the overwhelming motivating factors which leads to “individualism” in the last century.
http://v.passions.com.cn/Fpi_MyJHtGKqmX072wvH8wxnyUPu.mp4 |