Even the model supposes uncomfortable claiming and, they explained every volcano anomaly, and the any other popular theories I supposed, it has some determined critics.
These critics are put the number of term theories unproved the so far, but one of the regard theories is crack hypothesis, which is soon the higher crust created a piece of the crust gets thinner and thinner the resulting small crust, to open the weak of the crust, through this crust, the magma push out from the volcano.
??? Of crack hypothesis consider this is a wide spared phenomenon and believe that magma is not coming up from the depth of earth continuer rather just from the beneath of the crust.
This hypothesis is attractive, because if it is already, we know about play tectonic and it fits some secondary smaller burst, but how will it does explain the wild islands.
Could the theory see when the cracks produce the same particular strange wild islands that sequence so neatly from old to young?
You know, the worry with is a theory on the coincidence to produce the result.http://v.passions.com.cn/FnAi6pZzpOB3W-ebbxWG0GNKwAUx.mp4 |