听写包:To be honest with you, you have to realize that we’ll be watching videos of performances and maybe if we can swing it even watch a lot of performance and those won’t necessarily be in translation. Also, texts are sometimes available in translation even then some references will be to the original. I’d hope you to be fairly confident in reading. To be honest, it sounds totally over my head. You know what? I believe they’ll be offering a survey course on Polish literature. Let me check here. Yes. I thought it was being offered this time. Professor () is teaching it. Let’s see it. It covers the major works. You know. As the romantic poetry, the novels. And it does cover one or two plays. And this is in English? Yes. You’ll be reading mostly in English translations and its discussion will be in English. Novels and poetry. They’ll provide you with a great historical context for the plays. So when you do get to them, you’ll going to really get a feel for the time they lived in, so to speak. Plus this course might also give it in (?) but just to learn more Polish. You know. Get to the level where you’ll be ready for the other class.
A small step (主) has been taken (谓) in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Co-ordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment (状) , funded (by?) Ottawa and the provinces (定).
中译英1:The 2008 Olympic Games ushered in significant changes in Beijing.
中译英2:Although vast quantities of electronic products and shoes were made in China, the designs of these products were rounded out in Europe, America or Japan. Customarily, Chinese corporations copied foreign products when manufacturing those of their own brand. But Now, they all feel inclined to initiate their own brand. With the Chinese corporations’ amelioration of designs, multinational firms have realized that their products should be tailor-made specially for Chinese customer’s taste. All these contributed to the beginning of Chinese design industry’s booming.
http://v.passions.com.cn/FkCCF7b7uYacQZjK6JtMYMqfe7EV.mp4 |