雅思中级听写包答案: 第一段1 .As I said earlier, there is I think at Rexford an excellent combination of physical and geographical advantages - as well as having a rural setting and still being close to central London, something that will certainly be of interest to you is that Rexford is just 35 minutes from London Airport. 我说过的,我想Rexford有着物理和地理上的优势,在乡村,但是离开伦敦市中心还是很近,有一点你一定会感兴趣,那就是只需35分钟就可以从伦敦机场到 Rexford。
2 .At Rexford we have a strong research capability. 我在Rexford研究能力较强。
3 .We came 7th out of 101 universities in last year's research assessment, carried out by a government body and did particularly well in your particular subjects, engineering and science. 去年政府调查报告显示,我们再101所大学中排名第7尤其擅长工程和科学。
4 .Actually we got a top research grade of five for engineering, geography and computer sciences. 事实上,我们在五所工程,地理和计算机科学的学校中排名第一。
5 .One further point - and I know from talking to you individually that a number of you may be looking for some experience in industry after the course - is that all our science and engineering research departments have unusually close relationships with industry in the area. 还有一点一我从和你们单独谈话中了解到一你们中有一些人可能会想要在课后进行行业实践一而我们所有科学和工程部门都和这个领域的公司有着紧密联系。
6 .Anyway that's enough sales talk from me ... 嗯…我想这些自卖自夸的话我说的差不多了…
7 .I'll just take a sip of this coffee that's just arrived, thank you, and then I'll say something about what actually happens when you apply. 我先喝一口刚到的咖啡,谢谢你们,然后我会说一些当你申请时会发生什么的具体事宜。
第二段1 .Right... 是的…
2 .Now if you do decide to make an application, what you do is send it directly to me in my department. 如果你现在决定要申请,那就马上把申请表发送到我的部门。
3 .I will then immediately send confirmation and the application process begins. 然后,我会立即发送确认,然后就开始了我们的申请流程。
4 .Er...I'd like to say at this point that you shouldn't worry if this process doesn't work all that quickly - I mean occasionally there are postal problems, but most often the hold - up is caused by references - the people you give as referees, shall we say, take their time to reply. 嗯…我想在这一点上说,你们不用担心过程太慢一我的意思是偶尔也有一些邮政问题,但最常见的原因还是由于推荐人一就是你写的推荐人要花时间回复,所以耽误了。
5 .Anyway, it's absolutely normal for this process to take three to four months. 无论如何,这个过程大概需要三到四月,这是绝对正常的。
6 .What I do in this period is keep in touch with you and reassure you that things are moving along. 我在这段时期所做的是与你保持联系,并向你保证所有事情正在按照流程走。
第三段1 .One of the ways we've devised to help you decide about applying as well as later when you've been accepted ...hopefully ...is to put you in contact with, if possible, a student from your own country who is at present studying with us. 我们想要帮助你做决定,以及后续如果你们被录取了的话,我们会尽可能安排你和一个你们国家的学生保持联系,这个学生是正在我们学校学习的。
2 .What you can do is phone them up - we will, of course, liaise between you - and discuss your concerns with them. 你能做的就是打电话给他们,我们当然也会和你联系,把你的担心说给他们听。
3 .That way you can get an objective opinion of what you can expect if you come to live and study at Rexford - not only the academic atmosphere but important details like what the leisure facilities are like and whether the English weather and food are really as awful as everybody says! 这样你就可以客观地了解到在Rexford学习生活是什么样的,不仅仅是学术氛围,还有一些重要的细节,比如休闲设施,还有英国的天气和食物是不是真的像每个人所说的那样可怕!
第四段1 .If you decide you can face it, the contact can also help you just before you leave, with tips on what to pack and that sort of thing. 如果你决定要来我们学校,你可以和这个国家的学生一直联系到出国前,他们甚至会告诉你怎么打包东西等等。
2 .At the moment I think we've got two second - year students and one postgraduate from this country. 现在的话,我们有两个这个国家的两年级学生和一个研究生。
2.阅读包答案: 美国的总统和副总统的姓氏分别以B和C开头;乔治·布什的前任中(包括他的父亲)有26位的姓氏排在字母表的前半部分,而只有16个在后半部分。
3.写作包答案: 中译英1:She types fast and accurately due to the special training she has received.
中译英2: He was right.Thin people need watching.I've been watching them for most of my adult life,and I don't like what I see.When these narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes.Thin people come in all personalities,most of them menacing.You've got your “together”thin person,your mechnical thin person,your condescending thin person,your tsk-tsk thin person,your efficiency-expert thin person.All of them are dangerous.